Hi all, I am currently staying at my mums is North Devon and just wanted to say what a beautiful day we had here today. It was sunny and warm with only a light breeze. What a shame it seems that it's a blip and more cold and snow are forecast.
I have added some pics to the Big Garden Birdwatch Gallery of all the lovely birds that visit this garden. A much greater selection than I get at home due to the rural location.
Hope you all had a happy day too.
I've learned that I still have a lot to learn...
Hi Bramble
I got a soppy card from my OH this morning (the ones that come out of an A4 sized velvet box)
He is a romantic at heart.
I have had a look at your pictures and they are super - love the Great Tit shots.
Kathy and Dave
Thank you for you kind comments. The great tits are not at all camera shy, but the coal tits and the marsh tits are really hard to get a picture of.
Beautiful day here in Somerset too, until the sun went down around four thirty that is. Then the temperature plummeted despite the light and all my feathered friends who had been watching eagerly as I was digging in the garden in the afternoon, flew off to huddle together somewhere a little warmer. I did have some adventurous feathered friends come to see if they could get any worms though before they took off across the fields.
I know what you mean about the great tits as well. I seem to have plenty of great tits who will 'perform' for the camera but the (much fewer) coal tits and long tailed tits are not so obliging. The pied wagtails are though and very photogenic too. I'm just waiting for the great spotted woodpeckers to re-emerge this year and frequent the feeder and the camera lens.
As we move through the universe may we leave as light a touch as a butterfly wing on the fabric of the environment.
Hi brambles67,
I live in somerset and it was a lovely day.Walked into town with hubby,along the river,very nice looking at the bird life,wish we had the camera but picking it up tommorow.But we did purchase a new feeding station and bird book.lets hope it will be a small blip in the weather,we need the nice days more often.
Hi, Littleowl.
I agree today in North Devon it is wet and damp and cold and like yesterday never happened. Bird feeders are as busy as always here. Must ring my daughter and make sure she is topping up the feeders at home while I am away.