Is it time to have paypal on your great site

I think you would be surprised how much your support would increase if you accepted PayPal there are millions who are signed up to PayPal worldwide and it is instant to pay anyone with an email address so you could just have one email address registered for all PayPal payments and they manage there-self with not much work at all all you need is a link i have been a member of your site for 2 years and want to join and would do so in a flash if you took PayPal as I always have spare money in my account i would have been a signed up member now for 2 years its about 4.5percent charge to receive money which i would pay the extra for the convenience of just using my PayPal account that Ive had for years with never any problems i use that to buy all my online items and being the NATURE of all your good work im sure PayPal would treat you a bit different anyway plus for those who sell on ebay they would put you on there favorite links or fav websites which will give you some very powerful free advertising and as sinclaircats pointed out (in 2010) items from your shop would be easier for some people to purchase its just so easy to pay right away which means you also have the money quicker it is accepted at so many online places now i use it as the norm just trying to be helpful to yourselves and your followers but you do great work and your site is brilliant so whatever your choice I will always follow you on the net and i will be joining soon anyway great information i love all the pictures people send in its great to see there a lot of wildlife around and any help in that direction is brilliant i have just upped the amount of fat-balls seeds and nuts since the weather has got colder and it was only looking at pics of starlings on a members comments that made me realize i have them in my garden too just need to get some pics of the baby ones to identify what they are

best regards to all and happy bird watching

Rodney Lewis

My Photos

  • Does the forum need PayPal (I think not)or do you mean the RSPB site in general ?


    Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can

  • The RSPB site in general for sign up fees and the shop online

    Rodney Lewis

    My Photos

  • I think it would definitely help generate more revenue for the RSPB as some people only use a secondary payment option not everyone likes putting there bank details online even tho it is safe they fund there account with money then use that to pay for things and PayPal are pretty big now that's probably because of eBay as I think that's a sort of must if you use the eBay site I use PayPal to send money to family and that's free maybe they can do some thing special for the RSPB just a thought

    Rodney Lewis

    My Photos

  • You do find tho that people sell things on ebay all the time and they get paid by PayPal so they have money sitting in there PayPal that they do not mind using  its just so easy to use that rather than money that might be allocated in there bank for instance a couple of my friends sell a lot on ebay and they will take postal orders and cheques but they always get paid via paypal

    Rodney Lewis

    My Photos

  • Unknown said:
    oes Paypal pay interest on any credit balance you have in your account? Does Paypal earn any interest on the money in holds for you?

    It is a fair bet that the answer is no and yes make your own mind up in which order or am I just been cynical.


    Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can

  • I still think it would increase the RSPB members

    Rodney Lewis

    My Photos

  • Unknown said:

    I still think it would increase the RSPB members

    i Thought people joined to support the wildlife.


    Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can

  • Just a thought.

    But should old (inactive) threads be 'locked' so that new 'important' messages cannot be appended.
  • tuwit said:
    Just a thought.

    But should old (inactive) threads be 'locked' so that new 'important' messages cannot be appended.

    That would require too much work for an Organisation that has trouble moderating the site properly in the first instance. T make it automatic would probably require modification to the software, so that would be a no go given past history and would be complicated by how do you determine what threads to close off. What this software doesn't have, which even Facebook has) is the ability for an author to turn off comments on their own thread.