I wondered if it could be a common Linnet? Redish chest and whitish belly - dark brown / blackish back. Also had a bouncing flight (see video) - looked like it belly dived into a swimming pool it jumped straight off that branch and bombed downwards. It had rounded wings - caught this movement on video but it won’t upload.
I appreciate the photo / video isn’t great!
*video says unable to upload*
My first thought was linnet, but I'm only on my phone so small screen. Your video might be too big, most folk post to YouTube then add link here for it.
Edit... Not sure they have red breast out of breeding season?
Hi, what size would you say it was compared to other birds you are familiar with? E.g. was it finch size like a linnet would be, or more thrush size as a Redwing would be?
I think the question has to be asked....why isn't that a robin?
stealthybutnotthatstealthy said:why isn't that a robin?
My excuse was I was on my phone, without my glasses on, but if you don't know, Stealthy, then I'm not going to tell you