Snow Gone

Well the snow has all but gone here in Bo'ness and I did think that with it would go the redwings,fieldfares and the thrushes. Wrong I still have two thrushes, two or three fieldfare and about 5 redwings.  So nice to see them' the thrush seems to lord it over the apple quarters that i put out. I also have a variety of chaffinch and goldfinch on the nijer seed feeder. Like I said in an earlier post its like an airport with all the flights coming and going. 

Its nice to be important but its more important to be nice

  • Snow has gone here too, now it's all dull and miserable outside...

  • Hi,

    Still alittle snow here and saw my First siting of a redwing !!! ;) , only for 5 mins in the front garden . Lol not much food out there its all in the back garden. Happy to say ive had one though ;)


    If it aint broken, dont fix it !.... all good things come to those who wait !

  • neil h said:


    Still alittle snow here and saw my First siting of a redwing !!! ;) , only for 5 mins in the front garden . Lol not much food out there its all in the back garden. Happy to say ive had one though ;)


    Heres one in my pear tree

    Its nice to be important but its more important to be nice

  • Still plenty of snow here, especially on fields and gardens, although a thaw has started. Birds still in need of plenty of food.

  • Up until this morning it hadn't really started to thaw here, although our street is covered in 4 inches of slush, ice and snow which is making it vile to go out!  its pouring with rain today though so I should imagine that will wash most of the snow away.  I am glad, I've been stressing over these birds and this snow!

    Its nice that you have a collection of thrushes that don't seem to be arguing!  I know someone who's been having a lot of trouble with a Fieldfare during this weather

    There were two Rewings in the tree out front here yesterday but they never made it to the back garden.  Then again with the masses of Starlings and the presence of a Sparrowhawk they probably figured it best to keep going!

  • Neil - Congratulations on your first redwing! 5 minutes is better than nothing. I haven't yet had the pleasure, nor of any fieldfares. I've still got my 2 song thrushes though.

    It is pouring with rain here in my neck of the woods, but we still have snow covering all the fields and lawns, with nasty slush on the roads. Part of our back garden is still treacherous ice and compacted snow. This rain hopefully will get rid of it, unless of course it freezes again!

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr