We built up a relationship and trust with a Robin last winter / spring.. nothing unusual there!
I can mimick the call of a Robin and he would be with us within 30 seconds usually.
Every time we had tea outside in the spring he came and joined us . We provided RSPB mealworms and eventually he used to perch on the teapot cover, fly down and into the pot and help himself. A real endorsement for RSPB products!!
He / she was feeding a nest full of chicks, which all fledged sucessfully, after that we saw him less and eventually he did not return!! We do have several Robins in the garden so I presume they took over the territory
Sorry about the quality of the pictures they were taken on a mobile phone but you get the idea!!
A whole tub of mealworms - every robin's greatest dream! You're so lucky to have him and to have got the photos :)
A closed mouth gathers no foot.
Awww that is so cute! He knows how to get himself a meal[worm]!
Millie & Fly the Border Collies
All his birthdays and Christmases at once! Cheeky little mite. I wish mine were so tame.
Cheers, Linda.
See my photos on Flickr
Hello Silver Fox,
Welcome to the forum and thank you for sharing these photos. If anybody was unsure about Robins and mealworms, here is the evidence! Who needs bird feeders/tables??
How wonderful - but what a fairweather friend! I am surprised he has not been back to renew the friendship during the past few weeks though. Thanks for sharing that.
The necessity of bird-watching is a really good reason for avoiding all forms of housework.
The dust will still be there tomorrow - the birds may not be!
Oh that's lovely! Thanks for sharing!
"All weeds are flowers, once you get to know them" (Eeyore)
My photos on Flickr
Beautiful friendly pictures but so sorry you haven't seen it recently.
Amazing! my friendly one is contemplating it, flew towards me & swerved at the last minute again this morning. He feeds on the table whilst I am putting food on it. Wish he would pluck up the courage like yours has.
Hi Silver Fox
Now that is what I call really cute, and Robins are very cheeky to do that. i posted a picture of one on the RSPB Forum doing exactly that. The dry mealworms where soaking in warm water, but Mr Robin still pinched a couple and flew off.
Their confidence is there and they know what they like. Mealworms are a Robins dream come true in the food department. {smile}
I have had a Blue Tit who would be cheeky enough to steal a whole peanut from the 'jug' of peanuts I put out for the feeder They are very confident too
So cute, and I really hope your friendly Robin returns {smile}
Kathy and Dave
This is how ours started, please persevere, I used the meal worms as a bribe to begin with. He got to know he was the only bird to get them if he came close, I started by putting a few on the table when I knew he was there. Then when we were out there I put a few on the path,.....closer and closer etc I used to rattle the tub and mimic him and he would follow us up the garden to where we had tea. Good luck it takes a little time!