I'm new

Hi all i'm new to the forums, plus new to bird watching.

I now live in Kettering, I moved here February 2009, i have always been interested in bird watching but in my old house we never have any in my garden apart from Starling and sarrows.

so i was really happy when after moving in and putting up feeders we had a geat range of birds. The birds we had the most are Goldfinchs, blackbirds, blue tits, Coal tits, Long-tailed tits, Great tits, Crows, Chaffinchs, Robins, Collared doves, Woodpigeons, Starlings, Song thrushs,  Wrens, GreatSpotted Woodpeckers, Greenfinchs,  Magpies,  Fieldfares, wagtail, and Redwings, Sparrowhawks

Plus I have had Red Kites flying over.

I'm still leaning my birds, and I'm trying to get as many photos as I can, I'm new to taking photos as well, lol

Hey farmer, farmer, put away the D.D.T now. Give me spots on my apples, but leave me the birds and the bees, please!