We live in Central Bristol and have a small rear garden.
For the last three days we have been visited by a single Fieldfare who stays about the garden most of the daylight hours.
We feed him /her apple pieces which it eats completely.
We have never seen a Fieldfare in our garden before . Our Blackbird visitors are wary of this intruder.
We have normally 6 to 8 Goldfinches feeding here but they disappeared recently but I am pleased to report that 4
have returned today looking well.
Hello and welcome !!!
Lovely to hear about your Fieldfare !!! I also had my frist this year ! so i know your execitement , I advise to cut up smaller and scatter more pieces about so your blackbirds dont feel pushed out ! Also glad to hear your goldfiniches came back ;) !!!
If it aint broken, dont fix it !.... all good things come to those who wait !
Hi Neil.
I thought Fieldfares were generally a bird more commonly found as a flock not as this one , a singleton.
Why is that I wonder, it certainly does not look distressed!!!
I will try your suggestion for the Blackbirds.
The very same happened to me up in Mossley (Greater Manchester) A single bird visited me for 2 full days in November. I have never had a visit before (or since) What a magical experience though ! Makes working from home difficult though!!
Well done with the Goldfinches, had the same problem with a flock of 14 Long Tail Tits who vanished in around April last year and then turned up again only last week ! It was like the return of a long lost (loved) relative , i was so pleased to see them, and they treat me with 2 or 3 visits every day now !!
Hello from Norwich
I can sympathise with the working from home difficulty. Last week, I had a single fieldfare eating apples from the trees in my neighbour's garden, and the best view was from my study! Fabulous bird, and, as someone wrote earlier, it didn't seem too distressed at being a loner.
Hi Liz, ,Neil and Nigel
Well the Fieldfare departed after the weather warmed up and gone off to a more familiar habitat I an sure.
But what a thrill to have had it in our small city garden'
'All the usual suspects have now been rounded up' and amongst our visitors we have a pair of Blackbirds, Up to eight Goldfinches, Up to ten Sparrows and a Pair of Robins.
We had a visit from a Female SparrowHawk on Tuesday last but she did not stay very long.
Thank you all for your interest
yttrium 88