Hello there
I am new to this 'latest' upgrade of the old RSPB Forum, and I want to say my hellos to everyone here.
My name is Kathy, and my partner and I love all types of wildlife - in particular birds.
I am a member of the RSPB, SWT and other communities of 'likeminded' people including the Bedford Birders.
Look forward to adding my input into this Forum.
Kathy and Dave
Hi Kathy and Dave,
Welcome hope you enjoy your time with us.
Be Inspired,
Dream it, Crave it, Work for it, Live it.
Hi Kathy and Dave
Welcome to the friendliest site. You have come in at an exciting time.....migration.
Rothes who was the first to hatch was the first to leave home...before her 'mum' and 'dad' !!!!!
We are following her and Mallachie's progress on Google Earth.
Maureen ~(:0)
"Birds of a Feather".... ~( :o )
Hi there
Thank you for your replies everyone.
I will look forward to chatting with likeminded people on this Forum.