Lone Jackdaw

Hi everyone,I’m new here,I’ve had a lone jackdaw doing a lot of shouting in my garden for about 6 weeks,I already feed the birds so was pleased to see it,and started saying hello every time I saw it,very quickly,it escalated to him/her waiting for me for food every morning,sitting with me chatting away,fed from my hand and even let me give him a little pet,he followed me round the garden while I cleaned bird baths etc,even came when I called his name”Jack” obviously lol,he appeared yesterday and was very indifferent,wouldn’t eat the live mealworms,then flew off,returned today,sat for about 10 mins,I spoke and tried to coax him with food,it’s like he hates me,I’m so sad as I’d gotten very fond of him,why would it suddenly be so different?