Fledged jackdaw or inadvertently left nest?

I have a fully feathered jackdaw fledgling or almost fledgling. Nest was on a ledge 2/3rds down a chimney of an outbuilding. Parents have been feeding accessing from top of chimney but fledgling has left through the bottom of chimney into room of outbuilding. 
Fledgling placed in bucket outside of outbuilding but close to gable end and parents have been attending all afternoon. They’ve now stopped and haven’t seen them for a couple of hours, is this normal and have the parents just gone to roost potentially or does it sound like they’ve abandoned it? 
it’s a little open to elements and predator's. Am I best to put the bucket on the ground and let it hoo out and hide in undergrowth within a fenced chicken coop area or am I best to partially cover bucket to allow parents to tend at Dawn? I would appreciate and advice please. TIA 

it is 8.48 pm in Northeast England