Spotted Flycatchers

Hi, I’m new and I’ve noticed for a while in my garden little brown birds flying in and out of our overgrown weeds and bush plants. They are constantly going in and out every day of the same area so I assume they have nested. I have googled a bit about the birds but would like to know more about them and anything I should bear in mind whilst gardening/weeding. Any helpful information is greatly appreciated!

  • What makes you think they are Spotted Flycaychers? Not impossible but a bit unusual to have those in the garden, especially if its a fairly urban environment. Are you Sur they aren't Dunnocks? Just try not to disturb the nest and watch from a distance and hopefully soon you will see fledglings.

  • I googled birds nesting lower ground the there were only a few that appeared so the closest one to it was a spotted flycatcher. I’m not sure now. We have a woodland area behind our garden so I thought maybe that attracted them. I’ve tried to get good photos but this is the best I could get of them

  • Hi-

     Chiffchaff seems more likely based on the top photo


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