Magpies in Dad's garden disrupting nests of smaller birds

Hi all

Apologies if this is not the right place to post this. 

My Dad has told me this morning there's Magpies disrupting smaller birds nests in his garden. He originally wanted to borrow my Air Rifle to shoot them to which I've told him absolutely not but I'm just a bit concerned he'll find someone else who will let him do this.

So is there anyway he can deter the Magpies and help the smaller birds in anyway that doesn't involve killing them? Any help appreciated.

  • No easy answers I am afraid. All part of the food chain. I don't think your dad's idea would work anyway, unless he wants to keep borrowing, as a suitable territory that loses 1 magpie will find another one turning up.

  • Magpies have attacked and killed chicks and destroyed eggs of 2 sets of blackbirds nests in my garden. A real menace. Last week I saw one Magpie brutally attacking another Magpie and almost killed it.

    Last year, I took to installing grilles with a 5cm square opening on  the entrance to a Robins next, and the nest was successful. There was no way a Magpie could get in. I will do the same this year.

    If your dad can't find an air-rifle, he can try and ensure that there is no food accessible to Magpies. The caged bird feeders are best, but with a plastic plate fitted below to catch anything from falling to the ground.