Pink Footed Geese 20-21 Jan 2024 in Snettisham

Hi Everyone, new on the Forum but long time RSPB members and visitors to Titchwell.

This year we're braving the cold and hoping to catch views of the Pink Footed Geese taking flight to their feeding grounds. Can someone advise me were we should head for precisely and what time. Sunrise is about 08:00 and first light about 7:20. Hoping to get the best sightings but not sure when it all happens.

Best regards


  • Hi Philip, welcome to the forum, this webpage gives out some general info, might be worth you contacting them ...
    I cannot advise further but this reply will bump your post up to catch the attention of others who maybe can help!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Hi

    It's going to be windy at Snetts tomorrow!!


    For advice about Birding, Identification,field guides,  binoculars, scopes, tripods,  etc - put 'Birding Tips'   into the search box

  • Hello Philip and a welcome from the West Midlands.

    I can't advise on where to go, but the link Wendy has shared (bookmarked for my stay later this year) is worth a good look

    I've been to Titchwell and it looks a fabulous place, salt and freshwater pools, though I picked the wrong day weatherwise, too hot and too sunny. What i did see was rewarding on its own, some firsts, but not to be thwarted I will return, particularly as I'm holidaying a little further east in Cromer later this year.

    Please let us know how you get on with the pink footed geese, and any other sightings.