Possible golden eagle spotting

Very unfortunately I couldn't get a picture (will absolutely try if he comes back around!) however i recently spotted what i think was a golden eagle around the Consett area, more specifically nearer to allensford river which is just at the start of the upper east pennines for those who arent local. It's pretty common for me to see red kites so at first i assumed that's what it was but it had a full tail rather than a forked one and it definitely was too big to be anything else. The closest thing to a picture of it was so zoomed in it just looks like a little black blob sadly since i was too busy staring at it that i forgot to take a picture while it was mostly overhead. Please let me know if this is the wrong place for posting, thanks

  • I thought about posting it but its such a low quality picture that you can barely tell its a bird, let alone what type it is unfortunately
  • Plenty of Buzzards in that area too so that would be the most likely candidate. Size of a solitary bird is always hard to judge and given you first thought it was a Red Kite then Buzzard would be the most likely candidate.
    I've not heard of any other potential Golden Eagle sightings in the area on any of the local Facebook local groups.
  • Very unlikely to be a GE in that location. As others have said description fits buzzard. They are now the most abundant day flying bird of prey in the UK. Aka ‘tourist eagles’ in Scotland.
  • I agree re buzzard being most likely. As the photo is good enough to show it's a bird, it may be good enough!
  • Hi. Last week, we were driving to go on holiday when we saw this enormous bird swoop down right in front of our car.

    Generally brown in colour, but a wingspan of roughly 2m plus a really big body. Neither of us could get our camera to take a photo.

    Since returning home, we have searched every bird of prey identification website plus visited our local library in order to find out what it was. Since then, the only bird it could be appears to be a golden eagle.

    However, we were driving on a quiet part of Surrey countryside so this bird was way out of his/her area. Oddly enough, we went to a bird of prey flight display whilst on holiday and the bird we saw matches the one that was flying exactly.

    So, could it be possible that this bird has either chosen to be down in the South or perhaps got lost?


  • Highly unlikely to be a Golden Eagle in Surrey. However, just possible could be a White Tailed Eagle, because of the reintroduction scheme for this species on the Isle of White. The youngsters from this range very widely, including to the continent and Scotland.