Hey there,
I was so much hoping to see eagles around the eagle observatory on Harris, but the luck was not with me. I saw northern lights, but almost no birds :-( :-)Originally I was now going to Skye, but I just changed my mind and will now continue south on the islands. Berneray .. Uist .. Is there any advice that you have for me, where would be good locations to spot birds of prey between now and mid October? In best case, I am hoping for good pictures, too ;-)
Sorry for bothering you with a question to which google probably has the answer, but I am hoping that your advice is more accurate/helpful especially in regards to the time of year and this short notice changed travel plan..
Thank you so much!
Hi Conny, I just typed Uist Eagles in to google... Link .... I've not been that far north so can't help from personal experience, but if you're travelling more, Mull is good and I saw 2 separate sea eagles on Luing, a little way south of Oban. Probably worth searching for eagle watching boat trips from wherever would be convenient to get to, too
I hope you have a successful trip
Some of the raptors/birds of prey even thought I might know where they are nesting. For some I would not mention about where they nest as some are quite rare and very rare and any disturbance would not be welcome! So I won’t say any more about this!.. Particular with Golden Eagles where they nest and breed in remote area’s.