Bird box coming away from the wall


I was hoping someone could offer me some advice. I recently moved into a new place and the previous owners fixed a bird box to the wall of the house. I was unaware of this until a family of blue tits started nesting and raising chicks. I noticed today that the bird box is moving quite a bit with the chick’s activity and it looks like it’s coming away from the wall. I’m really worried it’s going to fall down but I don’t want to interfere in case that causes the parents to abandon the nest. Can anyone advise? Will attach a photo for reference. Thanks.

  • Sorry no-one has answered yet, I only know that it's against the law to interfere with nests but there are exceptions, unfortunately I am unable to advise you how to secure this box without risking parental abadonment but this will bump up your post to bring to the attention of others!
    Do you know how long since hatching, one hope is that the box will last until chicks have fledged!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Thanks. I posted in another bird group and they recommended fixing the nail with some glue which I’ve done. As far as I can tell the adults weren’t disturbed (it was a very quick process). Fingers crossed that holds it. Baby birds should be fledging either this week or next so it doesn’t need to last too long.
  • Thanks for letting us know, Fingers crossed your quick fix holds!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr