Great Tit's Dilemma, Should I Stay Or Should I Go?

Seven Great Tit eggs were laid and hatched but only 5 fledged.  Four must have flown away very early this morning but I managed to film the last one who seemed to be undecided whether to  stay a while longer or go for it.

I have 12 nest boxes, 3 with cameras, two of the boxes with cameras have not been used, the third one housed a Blue Tit all through winter, in Spring it found a mate and began building a nest but when the nest was half complete one of the birds died in the box.  I removed it and another pair took over the box and continued constructing the nest,  However, just as the nest was complete, along came a Tree Bumblebee and evicted the Blue Tits.  I toyed with the idea of evicting the bee but after contacting Bumblebee Conservation Trust I decided to let nature take its course and welcome my new neighbour.  The downside seems to be a risk of being stung if I mow the lawn next to the nest box but I just hope that they will beehave themselves.

The Great Tit in the film is actually in a friends nest box 400 miles south in Birmingham, I have a streaming type access to his nest box, the wonders of technology.  What I found interesting was that 400 miles north in Aberdeenshire, we are about a month behind when it comes to nesting.
