Help! What have I done wrong re: Blue tits starting a nest but have I scared off?

Hello, Newbie here. Anyones help/advice will be much appreciated on this..

i live on a second floor and have two extended window sills on which I’ve secured a nesting box with camera. Blue tit pair have been coming the last few days and the mother started bringing nesting material. BUT, I was advised by a wildlife helpline last night that it would be good to support the mother with food and it being ok to put a feeder with sunflower hearts up and adding a small bird water bath on the same ledge near the box - 2 feet away. So, they came back today and I think I’ve screwed up as the blue tit felt the landscape outside the box was different and she didn’t look so sure when she went into the box. I saw her come back twice. After her first visit, I  put everything back the way it was - no food near box, that’s all on my other ledge. And on second visit, she went inside the box and looked like she was picking up nesting material and picking at it then she dropped it and went. Does that mean she’s abandoned the box because she’s suspicious and no longer trusts it as safe?

Can anyone tell me if that’s that and they won’t be coming back? And if so will another pair maybe come to the box with that half nest built? One things for sure, I won’t be doing anything like this in future so please no telling me off, but I’d like to know how to rectify things, after all I was only trying to help the mother with food which is what I was advised to do. I called the wildlife aid line because I wanted to know if it was ok to have feeder/food near to the box - I hung the feeder on the wall about 3 feet away (the window ledge is 5 feet wide and about 28cm width extending out). I put the water about 2 1/2 feet away.

i saw them in the tree opposite watching me as I moved things away so they’re around but now gone as I write this an hour later :(

  • Hi LGG and welcome to the forum...och it's usually trial and error that makes us all the more knowledgeable. But to be honest the advice to put food and water close to the nest box was bad as that will only attract other birds to the area . No food or water should ever be in close proximity to any nest boxes. Birds need to feel as safe as possible where they nest.

    Hard to say if it's completely abandoned or not am afraid it's just a waiting game...You may end up with interest from another pair.

    Good luck and keep us posted ;-)

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Thanks so much for your reply. With very welcomed Scottish accent :) My instincts said as much about the food. So I will wait to see what happens tomorrow then, If they’re back tomorrow then phew! I’ll keep you posted. Blesses…
  • Hi again.
    An update: you’re right, it is a waiting game. There’s a couple of blue tits that have come back and momma is clearing away the nest material. Literally taking it out and trying to make a circle in the messed up strands. I don’t know if these are a different pair or the initial vositors ? But It looks like nest activity might be resumed. I obviously freaked out the first timers when putting out food. I’ve learned…!. Really appreciate you replying, and thank you for your response/advice. Fingers crossed for a successful nest hey…
  • Hi itisaRobbo
    Well I definitely am learning through my own and others experiences here. Thanks for yours. I’m watching the blue tit right now still taking out some nest strands then putting some of it back. Then leaving half of it pulled through the hole blocking up entrance. I’m fascinated just watching but don’t understand what she’s trying to do.. Seems like a lot of hard work for nothing every day but I shall keep observing. Here’s to a successful nest on your side and mine, cheers :)
  • Hi LGG, welcome from up in the Highlands, in Caithness, at the very top of Scotland. Hope you have success with the nest box. It's all about learning and gaining experience. I still am after years! Good luck,

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Hi there and many thanks for the welcome, and the luck I shall definitely need :) Well, there’s activity again from a pair of blue tits so I’m very hopeful a nest will start. It is absolutely fascinating what they get up to inside the nest box. This is the first time I’ve ever used a camera, it’s fantastic, and a real privilege to be able to watch them like this.
    I used to live in Dundee btw and used to venture further up, not quite as high up as Caithness and the Highlands, the landscape around you is magnificent , I bet you see some amazing wildlife where you are. I’d much prefer to be in the amazing countryside of Scotland than in the grey smoke of London. But I’m trying my best to bring some colour and life to my two window sills. Ha! Thanks for your take on this. Adios for now and very good to connect on here with you. :)