Great Tit nest

Hi there. 

I have a nest box in the garden with a nest of eggs. 2 nights ago the box was attacked by a fox, 2 eggs were taken and I haven't seen the parents since. What should I do with the remaining 9 eggs? All intact and undamaged? 

  • Hi Kellie, leave well alone, do not touch the nest box. It is illegal to interfere with a box or nesting site from when it is first used, during the whole season. Sad about the eggs that were taken, most likely the parents have abandoned this box. Sad as it, it's nature, we have to accept the good and the bad. The tits may nest another brood somewhere else and you may get to see them. In the back end when allowed to, you can empty out and clean the box then.

    Edit, I have just checked and Tits normally only lay once in the season, but may have a second if conditions are right and food is available. Hopefully you will enjoy young ones of some description.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • So the nest is located on the top of our garden fence. The fox managed to remove/cut/snap the string that we had tying the lid down..... Next year I will use wire..... lesson learned. We are pretty sure that the fox was on the top of the fence and reached down to open the lid, 2 eggs were smashed on the floor under the nest and the rest were all still in. It's quite a deep box so I'm not surprised the fox only managed to get out a few. The other 9 eggs are still in place untouched. No sign of parents at all. Even in the trees around where we usually see them. Sad that 9 won't hatch now tho. Wish there was something we could do. Although i understand nature is nature. First year doing this so lessons well learnt for next year