Advice needed - duck nesting in garden

Hello, I'm hoping I can get some advice from the community on here! I've just discovered a duck nesting in my in laws garden. We are near a river but not close enough to the water source.  

We have a dog that has tried to get near her (more out of curiosity) but thankfully is now keeping away. We are also leaving in a few days. We are in the countryside so there will be quite a few predators such as foxes (and the neighbours cats.)

I can't tell if she has laid eggs already but I'm quite worried about it if it does need to stay there.

Can anyone advise on the best thing to do? Thank you

  • Hi Sophie and welcome to the forum ... afraid there isn't anything you can do to help other than keep your dog away as it's illegal to interfere with a nesting bird so you will just have to leave it to nature in this instance ... always very sad not to be able to make sure any type of wildlife is safe but have to accept that not everything should be saved, have to keep a balance!  Good luck in your next property!


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