Problems with site anyone?

Morning chap's lasses

Anyone having problems with site and e.mails ? wouldn't let me sign in had to contact customer services and e.mail notification are like a month behind and very slow to load up picture's

ps, frost morning looking out window at sheep grazing and mallards working out how to open gate

  • Hi daren

    The problems l've had is sometimes it won't upload pic's from my computer saying something like too large, when they have not been and somtimes error, when a different day they will work on the same photo, wonder when there's a lot using the site if it gets over loaded.

    Yes we have sheep and lambs near by and ducks lovely sunny morning now the frost has cleared.

    Take from Yas

  • If it helps, photos have to be smaller than 4mb to be uploaded to the Community.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Yes i to found picture upload not easy at 1st but fellow members helped me out and as you say when pictures are to big i have to crop them then try again works most of the time,

    it's the information from the site it's self as site wouldn't let me sign in did the pssword reminder thing it only work after 5 atemps and contacting custmer services this site not an easy one to use compared to say pistonheads,

    on side note as typing this the hawk flew down river and tried to fight the woodpecker has court a few blue tits, and gold finches in the past but the woodp[ecker and jackdoors sort him out,

  • Darren I have replied but put on the incorrect thread. Look at 4.01pm on thread, A few local whatsits.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • As a newcomer to the forum I find the layout terribly confusing.  There appears to be various sub forums but I haven't found a way of getting to them.

    Also if I type a long reply to somebody the box gets narrower and narrower until eventually the text disappears.  I now type in notepad and copy and paste.

  • yes when i was typing the screen went blank Don't know who there IT GEEK is but mybe look at other forums and sort this one out?????

    but keep up the goodwork fellow members

  • I don't seem to be getting updates either but not sure if there is a problem with googlemail or its the synch settings for my email on the new laptop.  I seem to be also getting repeat replies from over two weeks ago so its all hotch potch at the moment.  

    M K said:
    Also if I type a long reply to somebody the box gets narrower and narrower until eventually the text disappears.  I now type in notepad and copy and paste.

    MK,  I have the same problem when using Firefox so the way to get round it is to type the first word, then hit the Rich Formatting button and then continue your reply which will work without problems.     I have reported it more than once to rspb tech but as usual, there is nobody responding.   I'm afraid this is one website where you have to rely on the forumites and not the techs  for help.      Good luck


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Many thanks I am using Firefox.  I will try your suggestion.

  • M K said:
    As a newcomer to the forum I find the layout terribly confusing.  There appears to be various sub forums but I haven't found a way of getting to them.

    I've been on this Forum since 2009 and it remains as confusing as ever. We've made lots of suggestions over the years but none have been acted upon. One of my suggestions has been that the Content Editor should default to Enhanced which facilitates the posting of photos in threads. This has been ignored and as a consequence many of us are constantly having to explain to newcomers how to post photos

    If it's any help I produced a Forum Map many years ago which shows how the Forum is structured with clickable links in the pdf file which you have to download. It's probably not up to date because I have no means of doing it. 

    As Hazy has said this is largely a self help Forum probably because the RSPB staff concerned do not have the time to support it as much as we would like.

    EDIT I should give them credit for producing the How To thread which was a step forward after much badgering. I'm not sure how many people use it.



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • Many thanks I had seen the forum map and hadn't realised there were clickable links.  It to me isn't a question of support it is a question of bad site design.  You would expect an organisation the size of the RSPB would have employed somebody capable good design when the forum was set up.

    Most fora I am a member of the forum software does most of those "design" things.