Distressed call

We have a blackbird in the garden that has been making a very distressed sounding squeak for the last few days. It is constantly seen  holding food in its beak so I assume there has been an incident with its chicks. The nest was very close to the house so sleeping isn't easy with a distressed bird. Is there anything I can do to help?

  • I have blackbird nests and at this time of the year they constantly sound the ‘alarm’ i usually find a cat or magpie near the nests. I tend to walk down and scare the cats or magpies off by waving my arms, if they don’t react I squirt a water bottle in their direction. Don’t like doing this but it works after a while they back off. Till the next alarmFace palm‍♀️
  • Thanks.
    Happy that it's normal protective alarm calls, but crikey it's noisy from 5 . Our garden runs along the end of four others gardens each side and there are plenty of cats so I guess that makes sense. Lots of lovely birdsong this morning, but that blackbird ......