Woodpecker (?) attacking bird box with nesting blue tits

  This fat *** keeps attacking my blue tits bird box. It’s already ripped the felt off the top, but now it’s sticking it’s head inside and attacking the young. I’ve kept scaring it off but it keeps coming back. Any advice?

  • I'm afraid this is nature, you could put a metal surround to the hole but it would be to late for that this nesting season as the nesting birds might desert anyway. One way of looking at it is that the Woodpecker will be feeding their young,seems cruel but nature can be at times.


    Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can

  • Guess you’re right, just that I’ve known this family of blue Tis for 5+ years, hard to see em be attacked like this. Guess when this seasons ends we’ll get a new box.
  • Hi Kyra,    take a look HERE     we protected our wooden nest boxes with this method as we had Great Spotted Woodpeckers visit our garden and following the addition of the wire mesh and metal hole plate we had no more problems from woodpeckers.        

    This was one of our wooden nest boxes after stapling wire mesh around the sides and underneath the box and adding the metal hole plate to the front.    


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Hi aitch, what a coincidence, was just going to message you about your reinforced bird boxes & to ask if you would post on all relevant threads ... so many problems with Tit boxes this year!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • My ears were burning Wendy LOL After we had three boxes destroyed we added the strip of wire mesh in one piece - down one side, under the box and up the other side (stapled securely) with metal hole plate and never had any problem after that so can definitely recommend Lancaster Uni's method ! What a dreadful May we have had for nesting birds; even on our balcony we are getting 2 x Robins, 1 GT, 2 BT and a Wren for the waxworms, mini mealies and regular mealies we are putting out for them. Felt so cold here today, more like end of autumn than late spring !


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Just turned the corner way down South East, rain finally stopped & brighter & warmer ... hopefully not too late to help some of the nesting birds!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr