Bird feeder for 3rd floor flat

I live in a third floor flat and want to put a bird feeder on our window. What sort of birds can I expect to get (if any!) and what should I feed them? Thanks!

  • Hello Katy, I would suggest that you hang one feeder to start with and fill it with either bird seed or sunflower hearts. Just try small bags to start with, maybe even a bag of each and mix them together, to see who you get visiting. You may get some of the small garden birds, sparrow, chaffinch, blue tit. or great tit. It really depends on who is in the area. If you have a balcony you could maybe try a peanut feeder, but do not throw whole seeds just now, as the young birds could choke. And again if you have a balcony clear up any mess regularity, you do not want to attract any diseases or sick birds. Good luck.