Roy Dennis's latest book

Like a lot of other people I have done even more reading than usual during these last few months and I've been on the lookout for new wildlife reading. I seem to have got through quite a few, some better than others, but this latest by Roy Dennis titled Cottongrass Summer really appealed to me. Roy Dennis is one of the raptor experts behind the reintroduction of Whit Tailed Eagles to the UK and was very involved in supporting Ospreys when they started to return to Scotland back in the '60's. This latest book is a collection of essays around the protection and reintroduction of raptors and rewilding of our moorlands all subjects dear to my heart. Its all in shortish chapters, easy bedtime reading although I found it hard to put down. Well worth adding to your collection in my humble opinion. If you want to find out more about the author have a look at his website,  plenty of reading on there as well. Imet Roy a couple of times when I did some vol work in the early days of Loch Garten a very inspiring bloke.


Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can

  • Pete, You frightened me when I read the subject of your thread but I was greatly relieved that your comment is well-deserved praise of a (thankfully!) still-living person, for not only his writing skill but for conservation in the UK. He has done and is doing a huge amount for nature, driven by his passion for birds of prey. If you make conditions right for a top predator, and protect them, you not only help them but everything else seems to fall into place and become more balanced. As you say, Roy is behind the translocation project of White-tailed Eagles to the Isle of Wight and he has done a huge amount for other raptors, too. Without Roy, the situation of Ospreys in the UK would not be anywhere near what we see today, a gradually expanding population although still far too rare, and we have Roy (and his colleagues and some other enlightened folk) to thank for that! The translocation of Scottish Ospreys to Rutland Water in the late 1990s and early 2000s was the beginning of an amazing and inspiring journey for many. For anyone unfamiliar with him or his work whose interest is piqued, have a look at his website:

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Same here Ann, actually exclaimed 'Oh no' out loud ... phew, what a relief!
    Lucky you S for meeting him!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • I had a slight panic as well

    Pete can you amend the subject title to save peoples hearts ....

    Cin J

  • Good point, C in J!

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Phew, my heart sank when I saw the title, So relieved that it's just a new book.



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • OK guys, I've amended the heading for those with weak hearts sorry about that. I met Roy when I did a couple of spells as a vol at Loch Garten,I was much fitter back then. He was a great bloke,one of those who you do anything for and so knowledgeable about raptors and happy to share it.


    Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can

  • I will be ordering the book - thanks for the amendment

    Cin J

  • That's better S!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Thanks, Pete, I read about the book when it came out but never got round to buying it. Might ask for it for my next soon-approaching birthday. At Christmas Santa brought me Alan Poole's latest book, the latest Dyfi Osprey book called 'Monty', and a lovely metal garden ornament, a silhouette of an Osprey--do you notice there's something of a trend here--lol?! But I know Roy's newest book will be good even if it does not mention Ospreys!

    Kind regards, Ann