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A question for all forum users about the home page

Just recently we have been contacted by a few members of the forum who have been having issues with the home page and we have also noted a few threads and comments on the same topic. The main concerns are that interesting topics may get buried and questions may go unanswered. As we cannot make any technical changes to the forum, we wanted to run a suggestion by you to see what you think about an idea that may help to improve things.

On the home page you will notice that we can make certain threads sticky. What we are proposing is that the moderators during their daily patrols around the forums select interesting threads from around the site and make them sticky for a day to allow ease of viewing. We would welcome your feedback on this idea.

Best wishes

Warden Intern at Otmoor.

  • aiki said:

    Well then you toggle bettwen the two.

    Yoou have four options

    <all recent> <unanswered> <unread> and <your discussions>     These give four different ways of looking at the forum. Now in a system like vBulletin you can subscribe to a thread but that is very little different to <my discussions>

    By definition any new thread which is newly posted to will be at the top of the stack.

    Thank you, but as I said I'm OK with using the forums, been here long enough to know how to find what I want. I just think that the home page as it stands does not give newbies a balanced impression of what the site has to offer. If the RSPB see this is a problem then I think it's really up to them rather than the LG group or any other forumites to solve it, though there are small things that all of us can do to help. For established forumites wanting to find new/interesting threads more quickly, an 'ignore thread' option would definitely help too.

    [/quote]Have the RSPB said they see it as a problem?

  • ChloeB said:

    Have the RSPB said they see it as a problem?

    Well, they've started this thread about the home page posts so I guess they think there may be a problem of some kind.

  • IanH starts off this thread saying "Just recently we have been contacted by a few members of the forum who have been having issues with the home page". So it seems the RSPB are merely responding to this, not raising the issue themselves.

  • As we're the ones using the forum, I guess the RSPB rely on all of us to a certain degree to flag up what we see as problems here, and then they decide whether they are significant problems that need to be addressed.

    Just for the record, I'm not one of those who's contacted the RSPB about this. I do think it is worth discussing though.

  • I have just had a count of posts on the main page.

    Loch Garten forum at that point had 1415 posts.

    All the other threads had 128 posts.

    So the Loch Group were out posting everyone else by 11 to 1


    Therin lies the problem if one sees it as such.


  • Unknown said:

    just done a snapshot of the ten available threads.

    Spot on Alan there are times when if someone new came onto the site they would think it was all about Loch Garten Ospreys and nothing else


                 Pssst! Nudge nudge Wanna see some pictures Here

  • Hazel b said:

    So the Loch Group were out posting everyone else by 11 to 1


    Quantity does not necessarily equate with quality

    "The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom" - Wlliam Blake

  • But then lack of it does not either ClaireM.

    All have the freedom to choose for themselves as to what they see as quality.

    The fact that there are a great many posts is proof in itself that a great many people are interested enough in that topic to participate.

  • I think all this needs sorting for everyones benifit. Alan

    always many sides to an argument

  • Please do post your views, jackfrost. This is a request for feedback from anyone/everyone who uses the forums, and as far as I can see there's a perfectly adult and well-mannered discussion going on here.