New Etiquette quezzy




1st - the suggested answer box bemuses me- I assumed I couldn't tick it on one of my own posts-

However I notice it is possible ,

2nd - If I post to a question it's because I think it IS the answer :)))


any comments guys?




For advice about Birding, Identification,field guides,  binoculars, scopes, tripods,  etc - put 'Birding Tips'   into the search box

  • Hello.

    I'm not an expert in matters of online etiquette but I'm not sure if there's any problem with suggesting your own post as an answer.  I suppose its just a matter of personal feelings in terms of whether you think its appropriate or not.  As for the 2nd point, well said.  I can't imagine posting an answer knowing that its most likley to be wrong.  Although there is the grey area of guessing, so that's probably where the suggest as answer box comes in.



    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.

  • Hi there, probably a lot of us just dont tick the box because we are not that certain we are right!  Whenever I think I finally know the answer someone comes up with a knew and usually better one!!

  • It is not always answers that are put forward sometimes it is a request for more info or simply to comment on the Picture or thread. I see no problem. Everyone moves at their own speed and thats a good thing, in my opinion.

    Its down to the person who started the thread/ question to select or not select what they feel is the answer that has been put in the way THEY like. Getting many answers agreeing is also a good thing, it brings confidence to the answer. Remember the person asking the question generally does not know how much of an expert or not any of us are, We may feel confident in our answers and be wrong! We may even get claimed as the right answer and be wrong!

    Claiming your own as the answer is just a measure of confidence.

    Oo stepping back off my soap box!!

    John :-)

    For viewing or photography right place right time is everything. I'd rather be in the right place with poor kit than have the best kit and be in the wrong place.



    Thanx for the feedback guys :)  Just trying to get a feel for the site after a few months at the autumn watch website :)

    If that McHale gets any more sensible I may have to add him to my frinds list.


    For advice about Birding, Identification,field guides,  binoculars, scopes, tripods,  etc - put 'Birding Tips'   into the search box