
I've just discovered, by accident, that if you click on a photo you ENLARGE it!

Did YOU know that ....... go on try it  lol.

  • Some may be double clicked for even larger image. And you can zoom in on most computers using VIEW on the top line. Good luck many of the past images can be viewed very close without loss of quality>

    Hope this is of help.


    For viewing or photography right place right time is everything. I'd rather be in the right place with poor kit than have the best kit and be in the wrong place.

  • Depending on what version of Windows you have, just above the task bar (along the bottom of the screen), at the right hand side is a little box which says 100%. To the left of that is a magnifying glass. It you click on that you can also zoom that way - to 150%. Or, to the right of the 100% is a down arrow. If you click on that you can zoom to up to 400%. Makes typing posts easier as well as enlarging photos!

    The necessity of bird-watching is a really good reason for avoiding all forms of housework.

    The dust will still be there tomorrow - the birds may not be!

  • Thanks for replying folks.

    I use Mac OSX point something or other!

    I get the idea now.