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Change to terms and conditions

Hi all,

In response to a few queries, we just like to update you all on a slight tweak to our terms and conditions, relating to the uploading and use of content on the Community.

Here’s the original paragraph in full

By submitting any contribution to the RSPB Community you agree to grant the RSPB a perpetual, royalty-free, non-exclusive sub-licensable right and world-wide licence to use, distribute, display, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works and display and exercise all copyright and publicity rights with respect to your contribution. The RSPB also reserves the right to incorporate your contribution in other works or media now known or later developed in accordance with privacy restrictions set out in the RSPB's Privacy Policy.

And here’s the amended paragraph in full as it now appears:

Full copyright title shall be retained by the Author of any submissions. By submitting any contribution to the RSPB Community you agree to grant the RSPB a perpetual, royalty-free, non-exclusive sub-licensable right and world-wide licence to use, distribute, display, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works and display and exercise all publicity rights with respect to your contribution. The RSPB also reserves the right to incorporate your contribution in other works or media now known or later developed in accordance with privacy restrictions set out in the RSPB's Privacy Policy.

So what’s changed?

We’ve added in the sentence: ‘Full copyright title shall be retained by the Author of any submissions’ and removed the word copyright from ‘exercise all copyright and publicity rights’ so that it now says ‘exercise all publicity rights’.

Why have we done this?

We love you submitting your images and messages. That is why we’ve amended the text to make it clearer that we do not own the copyright of any content added to the community. We might like to use it elsewhere (and reserve the right to do so), but we do not, and have never intended to, own the copyright.

Whilst primarily used for images, this paragraph also applies to other posts. For example, if someone wrote a poem or short story and posted it to the site. The author retains the copyright in these cases too.

So you’ll see that it’s not actually a change to the terms and conditions, we’re just trying to make it clearer as to who owns the copyright of community images and postings.

I hope that makes sense and is helpful, if you have any questions please give us a shout.

Happy posting!

For more on our science, check out the RSPB Centre for Conservation Science web pages.

  • Hello,

    There has been a further change to our website terms and conditions

    Copy right and trademarks section

    Original text:

    Full copyright title shall be retained by the Author of any submissions. By submitting any contribution to the RSPB you agree to grant the RSPB a perpetual, royalty-free, non-exclusive sub-licensable right and world-wide licence to use, distribute, display, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works and display and exercise all publicity rights with respect to your contribution. The RSPB also reserves the right to incorporate your contribution in other works or media now known or later developed in accordance with privacy restrictions set out in the RSPB's Privacy Policy.

    By submitting any contribution you agree the RSPB may use the material for any purpose and in any way it chooses, including, but not limited to, developing, manufacturing and marketing products. Any contribution you provide shall be non-confidential. You agree to waive any moral rights in your contribution for the purpose of its submission to and publication on the website and the other purposes specified above.

    Text now:

    Full copyright title shall be retained by the Author of any submissions.  By submitting any contribution to the RSPB, you agree to grant the RSPB a perpetual royalty free licence to use any or all of the contributions in any of their publications, on the website and/or in any promotional material. Permission will be sought and the Author credited where possible. Any contribution provided will be non-confidential and in accordance with privacy restrictions set out in the RSPB’s Privacy Policy.

    If you do not grant the RSPB to use your contributions in accordance with the Terms, please do not share or submit them to the RSPB.

    What's changed and why?

    This is to simplify the wording to help you understand where you stand when submitting items to the community. Also the new text stipulates that: 'Permission will be sought and the Author credited where possible.' so we will try our utmost to keep people involved if we ever want to use anything you've posted.

    Thanks for reading and keep up the good posting!