'Etiquette' ...... Help required!

I don't want to offend anyone or seem rude so can you clarify ........

When a member leaves a comment on a photo do I respond underneath their comment or do I click on their name and make my comments there. Also is there any way of knowing if someone has commented without having to click on each picture each time?

I hope to get the hang of all this techy stuff eventually. Please be gentle with me!!!

Thanks in advance for your help.

  • Hi Teuchter, if you click on the person's name that you want to reply to, it will take you to that person's page and you can then post a comment there.

    The necessity of bird-watching is a really good reason for avoiding all forms of housework.

    The dust will still be there tomorrow - the birds may not be!

  • Thanks Squirrel I had worked that bit out ...... but ......  there is no link to what you are replying to on that person's page. Just going on there and reading the replies you have no idea what the original comment/suggestion/post was and it doesn't make much sense to those other than the person whose page it is and the person replying. 

    I am now getting +1 e-mails each time a reply comes to me! First time it was 2 then 3 and when yours came in I got 4 ....... will this one have 5? lol.

  • I don't know... shall we try? I stopped email notifications about a week after I joined because I was getting so many. Now I just go to "Posts You Have Not Read" and work my way through them. Here goes then - good luck....luck....luck...luck....luck.... 

    The necessity of bird-watching is a really good reason for avoiding all forms of housework.

    The dust will still be there tomorrow - the birds may not be!

  • Hi Teuchter.

    I'm glad you posted the question because for while I've been wondering if there was any proper ettiquette in regards to thanking people for commenting on photos.  To be honest thats why I've never commented on the nice comments on my own pictures, I'm not sure how to go about it.  To be honest I feel a bit guilty about not adding a "thanks" comment on my photo comments, although I am very thankful to anyone who takes the time to reply.  Perhaps from now on I should add a quick thanks whenever I find there's been new comments added to a picture.  I'd be delighted if anyone could tell me if this is something I should be doing.

    Apologies for rambling on a bit.



    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.

  • On a photographic site I belong to there is a place under the picture that folks can put a comment on .... then there is a 'reply' button that you can say Thanks etc., and when folks put their comment up the person whose picture they are referring to gets an e-mail to say 'someone has commented' .... BUT  ALSO when they say thanks or whatever the person they are saying it to gets an automated e-mail to say 'there is a reply'.  Personally I think this is all that is required ..... a reply box that goes to the person who made the comment.  Am I asking too much? Does it take a lot of extra setting up by the folks who run the site? I have no idea of the technicalities involved.

    NOW ..... Can I take the opportunity  to thank all those who do spend a lot of time working behind the scenes keeping this site going as well as it does.

    I saw a comment somewhere that 'this must be the worst run site on the internet' ....... believe me I know of one that makes this one look like the BEST site on the net!!!!

  • The cheek of it!!!   The pleasure and benefits one gets from this site more than makes up for any technical difficulties experienced and I am sure they will all be ironed out eventually.  (Fingers crossed)

    A REPLY button and an auto email for photo comments is an excellent idea and I hope this is included before too long.  I usually add my thanks as a comment but the original commenter only sees this if they go back and look again.  That being the case may I thank everybody who very kindly and generously comments on my photos.  It is much appreciated.

    There is something new to learn everyday...


  • Unknown said:

    That being the case may I thank everybody who very kindly and generously comments on my photos.  It is much appreciated.

    Yes I'd like to add my thanks to that!!

    "All weeds are flowers, once you get to know them" (Eeyore)

    My photos on Flickr

  • There is a thread running somewhere under the 'technical difficulties' bit of the Forum about the problems we've all had with too many notifications etc. from the site, the techies seem to be trying to work on it for us.

    I always just leave a note under the photos that I like, and if people do the same for me, that's nice, but you can't reply to all of them if there are a lot of photos & comments. Did you know that if you click on the blue bit at the bottom left hand of the page the photo is on, you can nominate it as a 'favourite' & it will be put on your own page so that you can reference it again?

  • That's useful to know.  Thanks.

    There is something new to learn everyday...
