'Etiquette' ...... Help required!

I don't want to offend anyone or seem rude so can you clarify ........

When a member leaves a comment on a photo do I respond underneath their comment or do I click on their name and make my comments there. Also is there any way of knowing if someone has commented without having to click on each picture each time?

I hope to get the hang of all this techy stuff eventually. Please be gentle with me!!!

Thanks in advance for your help.

  • Hi Teuchter, those are some excellent questions. Sorry I cannot help you as I don't know either and have wondered this myself so am looking forward to the replies. 

    The necessity of bird-watching is a really good reason for avoiding all forms of housework.

    The dust will still be there tomorrow - the birds may not be!

  • Good questions! I generally comment below the person's comments under the photo as it would become complicated I think if there were several comments by different people... But that's just my opinion and certainly may not be the best way to do things!

    As regards knowing if you have comments, I agree as it takes quite some time to open each photo to see if someone has said something! Seems rude not to thank them for noticing and taking time to comment!!

    Be interested to know other people's thoughts on this too!

    (EDIT: I know I'm going to dig myself a hole here.... but I'm not suggesting by my statement above that people should thank me for leaving comments! Oh dear!!)

    "All weeds are flowers, once you get to know them" (Eeyore)

    My photos on Flickr

  • It is nice to get feed back on photos. And It is hard to keep checking each photo, so I have put a long-tailed Tit picture up (gallery) as a test, if the next person on the thread would put a comment  it will speed up things. Plus a comment on any other thread or picture of mine! 

    Thanks in advance 


    For viewing or photography right place right time is everything. I'd rather be in the right place with poor kit than have the best kit and be in the wrong place.

  • If you view the photo you have loaded in your gallery and look underneath (botttom left) , in very small blue type it says email me when someone comments, or something like that.  I did this yesterday and have have emails notifying me of comments left already so it does work.  Unfortunately I have been receiving two notifications on everything this morning.  Better than nothing I suppose!

    There is something new to learn everyday...


  • ... I should have said you must click on the small blue type, of course - sorry!

    There is something new to learn everyday...


  • Unknown said:

    ... I should have said you must click on the small blue type, of course - sorry!

    That was the test, I tried, to see if you could activate the email on the pictures only. I got ten emails in three minutes, some about things I don't comment on. So, thats not the way forward for me. the email option is now off again. Its too random for me!  

    It would have been great if was only emails on specific items you mark!


    For viewing or photography right place right time is everything. I'd rather be in the right place with poor kit than have the best kit and be in the wrong place.

  • How strange!   It worked for me.  I have only received emails on specific items I marked.  Only problem this morning is that I am receiving multiple email notifications on photos and thread replies.  More gremlins for the tech people to sort out!

    There is something new to learn everyday...


  • Have found its best never to put email me to notify replies etc., on this site, otherwise you can get multiples. Once I logged into my email & I had over 60 notifications!

  • Sometimes I get single replies other times two or three.  It seems a bit random!

    There is something new to learn everyday...


  • Can I suggest that if there was a 'reply' button like on here then when someone comments on your pics you can reply directly to them?

    Now the question is ....... did I do THIS right? Where will it end up?