Hello all
Just a quick poll to gauge opinion on how all of you feel about moderator input on the forums. Below you will find some voting options that will help guide us to the general feeling about this. If you wish to add further comments please do (be nice!).
Warden Intern at Otmoor.
Hi Ian,
Brave person you!!! But excellent idea.
Its very difficult to vote on this one because you have lumped "features/content" and "responses" together in all three options. It may produce a more accurate response if you separate them and give people two votes - it could well be people think you provide not enough responses and too much content, or vice versa, yet there is no option for this.
Cheers, Linda.
See my photos on Flickr
That's a very good point, I shall make some amendments!
There we go!
Just to clarify, by features we mean quizzes, polls, special updates and other content.
Edit: the poll tool has gone mad and now has a mind of its own so i'm returning it to how it was originally, if you do have concerns along the lines of sparrows comments please add a comment below.
Erm .. Ian, that Poll is now bonkers lol!
5 of the options are the same on my screen!
3 x Not providing enough reponses
2 x Providing too many features! ;o)
I know, it's gone mad!!! Will hopefully get it back to three options!!!
I think i've got it back to its original state, apologies for the technical jiggery pokery!
Ta for the comment, i'm leaving the poll as it is now as it didn't like being altered!
I think it's probably about right, sometimes moderators are a bit slow to respond to some threads but then you all do have lives outside of the interworld! So I think the time it takes to respond is reasonable from what I can see (though I'm often on late afternoons and early evenings so a morning person might think differently!). The content provided by the moderators is also probably about right not leaving the forum devoid of moderator content but also not flooding it with content either, a happy medium :-)
Millie & Fly the Border Collies
That is a tough one.
I still find it difficult to vote as the options stand - but thanks for trying to change them, Ian.
Things have definitely improved a hundred fold since the troll weekend. I notice the presence of the Mods much more frequently now, both in adding features and commenting on threads and this is a good thing.
Some of the responses and communication on technical issues, website feedback, suggestions and problems etc. are still a bit lacking, in my opinion.
Overall though, it's good to see some of you participating in the general threads and keeping us all in order!
Well done think you are doing excellent job overall,just taken a while to get there.