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Hello All,

As you may now be aware a number of posts have now been deleted due to issues caused by highly disruptive and unacceptable posts overnight. As our Terms and conditions state, we ask you, as forum users to:

... treat fellow community members with the respect and courtesy you would expect to receive yourself. You may not post defamatory material to RSPB forums. In particular, you must be clear that any view you express/post is your own and relevant to the forum topic. Abusive, disruptive, irrelevant postings, comments and advertising may be removed and may result in your registration being deleted.

Sadly, we have taken the decision that if this disruptive behaviour continues we will consider suspending accounts indefinately and may have no option to close the forum itself. As a charity we have limited resources and I am sure you will all agree we would much rather spend our money on conservation!

RSPB Moderators.

  • Thank you MrsT there is more trouble from members than non members in my opinion and desperately needs stopping,having different views cannot be helped but the latest episode is terrible.