getting the correct forum

When I log on to forums, I can't see  where there is a list of headings. I want to ask a question about plants and send photos. I have tried the tea room but can't see a place to attach photos. Can anyone help this idiot?

isn't wild wonderful

  • Hi Carolyn,

    Initially, some of the forums that are now under the WILDLIFE tab were housed under the GET INVOLVED tag for some inexplicable reason. Following complaints, these were moved over to the WILDLIFE tab and shown on a drop down menu. However, the forums that were always under WILDLIFE were not included on this drop down menu, so things were even more confusing than they are now. Instead of adding all the WILDLIFE forums to the drop down menu, they simply removed the menu altogether.

    The WILDLIFE section is a shambles and needs re-organising completely.

    The number of subscribers to any thread I think is the number of people who actually click the subscribe button. It isn't the number of people who reply. Does that make sense?

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Ah, thank you Linda, the subscriber bit makes more sense now. You're right about the shambles! I have no emails today at all from the forum, I only saw you had posted this because I was investigating where to put a post to ask about missing emails - and there was your post! I am very confused this morning. A cuppa might help!

    bye for now

  • Put some brandy in the cuppa - it may help even more!

    I did report missing emails last week but so far no answer - there is a thread about it somewhere in the ABOUT section. Graham Bird the techie man hasn't been on since 12th July, so maybe he is on holiday.

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Brandy! at this hour! What a good idea Linda. lol. I hope Graham isn't away for a month, I may receive thousands of emails all at once. My head hurts thinking about it. Seriously though, I have missed some posts I would have like to follow up on. Although the email notification sometimes gets a bit annoying, I wouldn't be without it.

    bye for now

  • Carolyn,

    I also like the emails to help me follow threads and make replies. They are very useful.

    However, if you use the main Community page you can find the most recent threads from all forums and groups, and by clicking on the "Your discussions" link, only the ones you are following will show. This may help pending the return of the emails, and also helps you find threads from other forums and groups that you might miss if you simply use Your Favourites to find stuff.

    I'll join you in the brandy!

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Hi Linda, I do use the recent threads and the 'your discussions' link, but like you the emails make it much easier to follow what's going on. Are you getting emails? I am receiving them from friends and facebook, so have to assume it is just the forum. Hic! woops that's the brandy....

    bye for now

  • Hi Carolyn,

    No, I'm not getting emails. I was getting them from some of the forums but not all the forums. However, now I'm not getting any! I'll resurrect the thread about this to stop clouding the "getting the correct forum" issue.

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Hi Sparrow and Sarah Macsplash,

    Thanks for your feedback. We're focusing on fixing the technical problems that have been reported, but understand that some users are fuinding the navigation of the site a bit confusing. Our apologies for this. Our aim is to make it as easy as possible to get around - after all, we would really like you to be able to spend your time enjoying contributing and sharing your ebnthusiasm for nature here, rather than having to report problems. So we are doing some backburnier thinking on that one, but have prioritised removing the irritating stuff, like photo upload issues, slow site and so on.

    The issue you've raised about  looks linked to an issue we've had reported overnight about not getting emails looks linked to email notifications not seeming to be working for everyone at the moment. We're onto this now. I'll try to merge any threads covering the email notification issue so we don't get confused and chase our own tails.

    Many thanks again for your feedback. I'll let you know when we have a clearer idea of the issue and fixing it. Please keep smiling - we won't stop until we get it sorted!

    All the best for now,


  • I'm smiling Cliff! Promise!

    When you have time to look at the web site layout again, ask a few total novices to find their way around it. And watch the way they navigate. You may be surprised how long it takes for people (even people like me who have designed web sites) to work out how to get to places. When I first joined the forum I was baffled by it and further use might make me more familiar with it, but that doesn't mean it is logical and intuitive, it just means I keep learning how to live with it.

    Not a complaint, I know you are doing your best, just a helpful suggestion.

    bye for now

  • Thanks Sarah Macsplash - we'll do that, it's defintely good practice and we try to user test as much as possible. We've had some issues getting the software to bend to our will on navigation, but we'll keep on trying to improve things - thats a promise. 

    Anyway, please see the following thread, we're confident email alerts are working again now:

    Many thanks,
