R.I.P. Good Eggs with no name badges


I see that the moderators now have new name badges on their posts, but none of the Good Eggs do. Are Good Egg name badges still happening?

Best wishes Chris

Click Here to see my photos

  • Hi Sarah

    The Good Egg award winners forum is in About. Here is the link


    Best wishes Chris

    Click Here to see my photos

  • Must admit that I was feeling very guilty of having the good egg badge when I hadn't been contributing for quite a while (other commitments...) so I don't miss my badge on here but I am extremely proud of my 'physical' pin badge!! :-)

    "All weeds are flowers, once you get to know them" (Eeyore)

    My photos on Flickr

  • Hi Ian,

    I'm sure we will, we know the problems the new forum has had, although I think a few of the regulars have migrated sadly!

    It's just a shame that the award will not be for a good all round egg, the awards in the past (That I know of) have been very worthy winners. And these people still continue to make this forum a very happy community to be part of.

    I know it must have been hard to pick people out for their contributions over a month as I find it hard to keep up with it after a few hours!

    I just don't want it to turn into a competition of sorts to start threads for no real reason to get a good egg award.

    Maybe the good Egg hall of fame should become a sticky for a while every month to highlight the previous winners who quite rightly deserve to be called a Good Egg.


  • I am having to bite my tongue here.

    OK you found the old award impossible to continue with, but is it necessary to "guide everyone to the sorts of discussions that you want to encourage?"

    I find that very dogmatic. I thought this was a community for any friendly discussions and chat about all wildlife topics. Now it seems we are being "Guided" towards the sort of discussions that you want to encourage, for which we may be rewarded with a Good Egg award. Judi was right in her earlier post. For moderators read dictators.

    Sorry, but that's how I feel. No doubt you will be locking this thread.

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Hi All,

    The new Good egg system is in place to allow a variety of users talking about many different subjects to receive recognition for their specific contribution, anyone can get the good egg post award it's not exclusive and it's purpose is to be open in awarding everyone for great contributions to the community. it is no longer specific to an individual, but to an individual’s contribution. This means we look at everyone’s posts and judge them on their quality and how they help others.


    Why not check out the news from the wildlife enquiries team?

  • I don't see why it should be locked, I see no abuse just an opinion,


  • Thanks for your comments, we will of course be choosing from a number of posts that we have come across as we have been doing our moderating.  Posts that we feel generate a good atmosphere on the community site are basically what we are looking for and are the posts that we feel should be rewarded. Yes it will be tough to pick just one but we'll see how it goes. Would it help in future announcements of the winner to have a 'highly commended' few as well?

    Warden Intern at Otmoor.

  • Ian H said:
    We hope that you will be able to see the benefits that this new scheme brings to the community as it guides everyone to the sort of discussions that we want to encourage.

    I'm sorry Ian, but this does sound terribly dictatorial. Are those discussions that don't comply with the 'type' that you wish to encourage going to be deleted?

    Best wishes Chris

    Click Here to see my photos

  • Hi Woodpecker, we as in the 'community' everyone on here wants discussions to be friendly, informative and helpful!

    Warden Intern at Otmoor.

  • Hi Alan,

    I think it's a problem with the software, I assume (Possibly wrongly) that the mods have a special access to the site to do moderator things. And that software doesn't extend to this side of the forum.
