R.I.P. Good Eggs with no name badges


I see that the moderators now have new name badges on their posts, but none of the Good Eggs do. Are Good Egg name badges still happening?

Best wishes Chris

Click Here to see my photos

  • Hi Sparrow,

    The award has changed and we believe it to be for the best, it is now the good egg post award. We look forward to reading everyones contributions over the coming weeks.

    Thanks again

    Why not check out the news from the wildlife enquiries team?

  • What has happened to our lovely Community. There are many people who contribute to the good of wildlife by feeding the birds making a friendly environment for them, supporting the RSPB by membership, purchasing  their expensive feed, buying copious raffle tickets and contributing quietly to this forum. Now it seems The Good Egg is dead and only those with ability to write conservation epics or eloquent reports will recieve a temporary award. The desicion has been made by the dictators sorry moderators so R.I.P the good egg

    Of all creatures, man is the most detestable, he is the only creature that inflicts pain for sport, knowing it to be pain.
    ~ Mark Twain

  • JudiM, i'm not sure if you have seen the criteria for the good egg post award yet or not but here they are as a reminder;

    • Writing something that makes everyone smile
    • Answering others questions
    • Generating conversations about conservation
    • Sharing tips on helping wildlife
    • Posting friendly, welcoming and helpful contributions

    Posts about the different ways you support wildife and conservation are exactly what we are looking for. It is a different approach i'll give you that but hopefully you will find that it is a far better one, go on, give it a chance!

    (I'll let you off with the dictators comment, just this once!)


    Warden Intern at Otmoor.

  • Why oh why do people need to change things that don't need changing!  Don't get me wrong, I'm not against progress but first the site changes to such a degree that it is difficult to find your way around and if you post a thread it disappears so quickly that no-one sees it and now you have changed the Good Egg system too.  If you wanted to change it so radically it would have been better to do away with it all together and introducea new system under a new name.  As it is, it rather diminishes the worth of the Good Eggs already received.  I don't have much spare time at present and find it difficult to find the time to visit the site but as a Good Egg I felt I should look in from time to time to keep up with things but now maybe I won't feel so compelled to do so as future award winners could receive it for just one post if I have understood correctly.  Hey ho!  That's progress for you  :-(

    There is something new to learn everyday...


  • This thread seems to have slightly changed to talking about the new Good Egg awards as well as the lack of name badges, so I've decided to change the title of the thread to encompass both.

    Best wishes Chris

    Click Here to see my photos

  • Hi Ian and Tom,

    Surely the good egg award was better as it was?!

    The recipiants were active members of the community and got an award for being ... a good egg, Many people a month post an answer to a question, I've posted 3 or 4 today! how can you agree on who posted the best answer to a question when the board moves so quickly,

    Saying hello to new members? how can one hello be better than another? - It can be tough now that we don't  know how many posts the new member has posted?!

    A new person can come onto the group and post a conservational messege and get members behind it, then win the award having not been a member of the community for 5 minutes.

    I'm sorry for the rant but I'm afraid like the rest I think the old award was better,


  • Well, that's 3 Good Eggs who think your new scheme and abolition of the old one haven't been properly thought through.

    I find it interesting that for the June winner you chose a thread from within the Natures Heroes group. I have nothing against the group, nor indeed the winning post, but the whole new scheme smacks of political dogma.

    What has happened to our lovely community? Gone.

    I am very unhappy.

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Unfortunately, the old award ran into a few hitches shall we say that made it impossible to continue with, I won't go into detail about what those problems were but we were left with two choices, try a new scheme rewarding community driven posts or abandon this completely which we didn't want to do. We hope that you will be able to see the benefits that this new scheme brings to the community as it guides everyone to the sort of discussions that we want to encourage.

    We understand that change is dificult but we're all for trying out new things and seeing how they work, can you just give it a chance?

    Warden Intern at Otmoor.

  • Sparrow and H I absolutely agree with you.

    One post does not a Good Egg make. Anyone could sign up and post a neat little post that's amusing or interesting, get a GE award for it and never post again. How does that qualify as posting quality posts and being a positive influence in the Community?

    I also have nothing against Bob, nor the Natures Heroes group, but Sparrow is right: the winning post just highlights a campaign that the RSPB happens to support and giving an award for it smacks of political dogma.

    Sorry RSPB but I don't think you have thought this through properly.

    Best wishes Chris

    Click Here to see my photos

  • I have only been a member for a couple of weeks and I haven't found anywhere on the site that lists people who are 'good eggs'. Although the original method of being awarded a 'good egg' seems to be changing, I would like to find a list of those who under the old system were given this award. I didn't even know it existed until the new system became discussed. Can someone please tell me where to find it?

    By the way, there are notably several forum members who go out of their way to make new people welcome. I was overwhelmed by the welcome messages I received and will remember this and where possible will always do the same myself, not because I want any recognition but because it was such a positive experience for me. The forum seems very friendly and full of helpful suggestions and information on almost all wildlife categories and it that respect it seems very successful.

    Of course conservation is important, we wouldn't be members of the RSPB if we didn't believe in wildlife conservation. But although it is only listed as one of the attributes a 'good egg post' needs to have, I agree with sparrow that it sounds as though future good eggs will need to "push forward positive conservation messages" in one post! Is this well rounded enough for a good egg post award? Or would it be fairer to the past 'good eggs' to drop the name completely and have a new award - possibly "the best conservation post award"?

    Only a question, not a criticism.

    bye for now