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Mods - please read - Avatar errors

Hi there,

Earlier this afternoon, Tom posted that we can't have the names of the origial poster showing next to each thread as the software won't allow it, but we can have an image of that person's avatar.

It seems the techies have put avatars at the side of each thread - BUT they are the avatars of the last person to post, NOT the first person!!

Hopefully this mistake will be rectified???

I can see that when this is put right, it will be better than nothing at all, especially as the avatars link to the person's profile page so we can work out for ourselves who the original poster is.

Cheers, Linda.

See my photos on Flickr

  • Hang in there Sparrow. It can only get better (we hope!!)

    You have been sosupportive + positive, don't give up now.

    'In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks'  John Muir.       

    Excuse wobbily dyslexic spelling!

  • Thanks for all your feedback. I wanted to reassure you that we are working very hard to continuously improve the RSPB Community site - not just right now, but all the time.

    The upgrade aimed to make the site work more quickly. Thankfully this key objective has been very successful and the feedback we've had confirms that.

    In the process of the upgrade the software has changed substantially with the addition of some different behaviour that we're working hard to make as intuitive as possible. We'll continue to do this and pick off the most achievable and commonly requested alterations.

    We can't promise to do everything but you have our word that we will continue to improve the community, using users' feedback to ensure we're focusing on the things that help the most.

    We are not currently prioritising this issue over other alterations and bug fixes that we're working on - we have bigger fish to fry at the moment. This won't drop off our list though.

    Thank you again for all your feedback and suggestions - they are immensely valuable.


    Got some feedback about our community? Let us know in the Feedback forum.