Pages Loading Very Slowly

Hi. I'm a newbie and notice there have been some comments on the slow loading of the galleries but I'm finding every page slow to load. So much so that I can go and make a cup of tea and come back again!

I use other social networks for education and other interests and find loading good and quick so I'm guessing its' the software used by the RSPB here. I've tried in all browsers and my Internet connection's okay. I hope there will be an upgrade soon or I may have to start buying my tea bags in bulk.

Other than slow loading, I think it's a friendly and welcoming network so thank you for that.


  • Hello Sheila, and welcome to the forum from me.

    There have been problems with the software on this website for a long time now - at least 12 months if not more. The administrators are currently testing brand new software that they said would be ready by this April. However, the latest update we had was it is a little delayed - but looking promising!

    Just hang in there .......

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Thanks for such a quick response Sparrow. 
    I'm really curious as to what software the RSPB have chosen to upgrade to as I use Ning in education and have found that to be one of the easiest and most efficient. Also curious as to current software too.
    I'll hang on in there so no worries.
