Direct Debit Mandate

Due to being extremely busy, I didn't open my renewal letter from RSPB for some weeks; thinking that I had set up a Direct  Debit.  When I finally opened it, I found that my membership cards for the year were there, even though I hadn't paid.  I decided to pay online and hoped to find a Direct  Debit Mandate on the website... but could only find one for joining a child, which had a random reference number inserted.  I think it would be a great idea to add a Direct Debit Mandate to the "renew" page, with the correct reference number inserted so that renewals could easily use this method of payment and save the RSPB money



    I have a similar but different problem- every year I pay by cheque at a reserve when my sub is due- then every year about 3 months later the Lodge sends a request saying I havent paid-


    For advice about Birding, Identification,field guides,  binoculars, scopes, tripods,  etc - put 'Birding Tips'   into the search box

  • Hi Wozo and welcome to the RSPB Froum.  Enjoy yourrself here

    Dave and I paid by Direct debit for a couple of years and there seems to be problems for us with the monthly scene of things - bank D/D's shut down for whatever reason

    Now we have paid the RSPB a yearly amount of money and we received an up to date book through the post - so that is a nice thing to happen.

    Hope that you have your membership sorted sooner than later


    Kathy and Dave

  • Hi Wozo and welcome to the forum from the Irish fraternity , I have the same problem here, I have to  return a form with the credit or debit card details on the form  via the post , very unsecured way,if we could pay by pay-pal or direct debit ,It would certainly be better for me , or even on-line using the same principal as booking airline tickets ect ,much more secure, I can't send a cheque as it's a thing of the past ,it really needs to be looked into , think this might be a long tread with varied points of view,

    Regards Mick

    Work is for those people that don't Bird-watch!!!!  

  • We have paid by DD for years but for the last three or four years have had to write and ask for our cards to be sent through as they haven't arrived a month or so after they have expired. Talking to people at the reserves they have had the same problems with membership cards.



  • I've used DD for years with no problems and never had any renewal letters (except with another charity when I changed my bank account until the new DD was set up by the bank).  It goes out every month year on year with no problems.  My membership cards usually arrive well before the old ones have expired too.

  • Hi Wozo

    Welcome to the Community. :-)

    I joined last year and chose to pay monthly by Direct Debit. I phoned the RSPB Membership Enquiries people and I'm sure they set it up over the phone.

    I have just phoned and asked them if I will have to do anything this year or if my monthly Direct Debit will continue and they confirm that it will. I will receive new membership cards and won't have to do anything.

    I suggest you might try giving them a ring to see if they can help you .

    Best wishes Chris

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