IE 9



My operating system is Windows 7 and I have just installed my updates, one of which being IE9

I now find that I can no longer upload my images as per normal, I know that there may be some compatibility issues with certain websites and IE9, looks like perhaps this forum is one of them :(

I am enjoying IE9 as it appears to be a very fast browser.

Any solutions anyone ?

  • Not alot you can doto fix this, just wait for either MS or here to fix the issue.


    In the mean time, one of the below will have you uploading again

    Uninstall IE9 this will leave you on IE8 or try another browser :)

    Firefox, chrome and opera being options

    It's both what you do and the way that you do it!

    You cannot fly like an eagle with the wings of a wren.
    William Henry Hudson (1841 - 1922)

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 09/04/2011 22:49 in reply to mpiekp

    My old laptop had xp and i tried both chrome and firefox, hated em lol,

    I will hang fire before uninstalling to see if things improve, cheers Rob & Mike

  • Hi Borderslass

    I have Windows XP SP3 and run it with Firefox without any problems (touch wood)

    I don't have Windows 7 though so I'm not sure what's compatible with it.

    Edited: If you want an answer from Technical Support then the best way to do that is to send them an email in the usual way, and you could also put the question on the Technical problems Forum so they might see it.

    Best wishes Chris

    Click Here to see my photos

  • Hi 

    I raised this as a post on the technical support froum some months ago without any joy. I unistalled IE9 and went back to using 8 in the end. I now just use firefox or chrome.


    I've learned that I still have a lot to learn...

  • I had a lot of problems with IE9 at first. Had to use Firefox and still do on occasions on this site but all of a sudden a load of updates came up on the computer and everything (touch wood) is fine with IE. Its only new and I don't think they have resolved all the issues but its worth it when it all comes together.
