New link on main forum page

Further to a recent thread about disappearing messages, I am wondering if we could have a new link at the bottom of the main forum page that takes us to page 2 of the latest posts?

Only the last 10 latest posts show, and now the forum is growing rapidly it takes a very short time for the posts to disappear to page 2.

The "posts not read" link is only useful if you are looking for a post you haven't previously read. If you have read a particular post it becomes a nightmare to find it again. If you replied, you can find it from your profile page. If you haven't replied, you have to find it elsewhere - and this is where the problems really start.

A simple link underneath the latest posts would solve this.

Cheers, Linda.

See my photos on Flickr

  • or at least an increase to the number of posts shown, ten whizz by way to quickly :)

    It's both what you do and the way that you do it!

    You cannot fly like an eagle with the wings of a wren.
    William Henry Hudson (1841 - 1922)

  • Hi Sparrow

    I agree with you, but I think that the main forum page really needs a complete make over.

    The last 10 list could also show which forum the thread has been posted in, possibly as a second line, so that anyone can go to that forum and look for it, and 10 really isn't enough at the moment.

    I have never understood why it doesn't have more pages underneath it like 'My Page' does, and like all threads in their individual forums do.

    For me the 'Posts you have not read' page takes me to threads that I have seen, where I have not read all of the latest posts, so maybe we ought to have an alternative link straight to 'Threads you have not read', because some days I seem to miss lots.

    Best wishes Chris

    Click Here to see my photos

  • Woodpecker said:
    For me the 'Posts you have not read' page takes me to threads that I have seen, where I have not read all of the latest posts, so maybe we ought to have an alternative link straight to 'Threads you have not read', because some days I seem to miss lots

    Surely if you have not seen a particular thread, it would show in "posts not read"?  It does for me.

    It's posts/threads you have read that are difficult to find.

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 21/02/2011 00:20 in reply to Woodpecker

    Another thing to think about if upgrading software, would be for  a predictive search added to the header bar when someone starts a New Thread!

    There are a great number of duplicated topics now, if there was a predictive search  then as people typed their new thread header it might save this happening as they would see there is already a thread with the same topic.

    Its understood and appreciated that the mods here have other jobs to do, and cannot be on top of the duplicate thread thing as much as other forums, where the duplicates would be closed and the poster gently directed to an existing thread.

    The forum realy needs the software to help it run itself, even more so now that it is so busy and the mods have other things to do.

    Just a thought :)

  • Hi Sparrow, hi folk. I agree that more latest posts should be availiable. By the time I've looked at a thread and maybe replied other threads which I am interested in have disappeared. I also agree that showing the forum posted on would make threads easier to find. Duplicate posts are a problem - perhaps other people are having difficulty with the search function - it never works for me. Best wishes, Ness.
    A garden is a thing of beauty and a job forever!
  • Hi,

    I agree that latest posts should be increased. I find search function as slow as galleries so usually give up long before as result appears

    Also, and this may be just me,if a really old thread is used instead of duplicating I find myself totally baffled till i get to the end and realise this has happened.

    Lets hope new promised software addresses some of thse issues



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