Quick way to upload photos?

Sorry if this has been mentioned before... I'm new here.

I am trying to upload some photos to my gallery, but as soon as I finished uploading one, I can't find a quick link to upload another, so I have to go back to my profile and start again. Is there a quick link, something like "if you want to upload another photo click here"

Also, I'd like to mention that the pages take a long, long time to refresh, so the whole process becomes a bit frustrating! 

  • Hi there,

    Thanks for your feedback. The Community software we use is due to be upgraded in the next couple of months so we will add this to the list of things to look at.

    All the best,


    Got some feedback about our community? Let us know in the Feedback forum.

  • Hi,  the Galleries are particularly slow and are probably even worse at the moment as the site is much busier than usual with it being BGBW weekend.  I have give up using the galleries and just create a post and upload pictures there which is quicker but pics have to be quite small files sizes so i compress mine prior to uploading



    PS lots of member upload their pics on flikr and have a link to their site

    I've learned that I still have a lot to learn...


  • Hi Arcoiris,

    Welcome to the forum from me.

    I'm afraid the galleries are a bit of a no-go area at the moment. The RSPB are installing some new software later this year, which should sort the problems out.  They are so slow and laborious that very few of us use them, and even fewer of us look at them. You have also chosen a bad moment to try because we have dozens and dozens of new members all on the site due to the Big Garden Bird Watch. This seems to make it all much slower.

    If you enter your gallery from your profile page, you can upload a photo from the link. Then when it has finished uploading just use your back button on the browser to get you back to your main gallery page. Alternately, you can use the grey links near the top left of the page.

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr