Edited Posts


Hello there Mod type people,

I have noticed that on the threads that I choose to have replies emailed to me, if some one edits their post, it also sends the edited versions as well as the original versions!

I guess I should apologise in advance to folks who do the same and have emails sent to them in respect of the threads they are interested in, as the amount of typos I make and edit could cause a wee tad of a flood hee hee.

Toodle oo

  • I also have emails sent to me, but I only ever get the originals, never the edited versions. Some are very interesting when compared to the edited version!

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr



    X-files Birding ; - could be a word of caution here-  watch out what you send, then edit- the originals are out there :)



    For advice about Birding, Identification,field guides,  binoculars, scopes, tripods,  etc - put 'Birding Tips'   into the search box

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 06/01/2011 02:33 in reply to Sparrow

    Susan H said:

    I also have emails sent to me, but I only ever get the originals, never the edited versions. Some are very interesting when compared to the edited version!

    Yep that they are Sparrow lol

  • Have mine disabled Rhona. You can have too much of a good thing

    Of all creatures, man is the most detestable, he is the only creature that inflicts pain for sport, knowing it to be pain.
    ~ Mark Twain

  • Glued to the Bears, but just wanted to say...

    I edit loads, but because I'm a complete saddo I go back in to change tiny details like changing a small letter to a capital one or to change a spelling mistake. Eats shoots and leaves!!!


  • Great book that Pipit. lol

    I love dialects coming across in peoples spellings though.

    I too have disabled emails as i get enough already and there were just too many.



    I've learned that I still have a lot to learn...


  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 06/01/2011 03:48 in reply to bramble67

    bramble67 said:

    Great book that Pipit. lol



    One of my favourite books too Sarah. LOL.

    (I just edited this cos I forgot to 'click to include in my reply')

    Tee hee

  • Hi all

    Limited options with our system i'm afraid, you can tick the box to receive all notifications or un-tick it so you don't get any! I know some of my colleagues write posts in word or notepad first so they get the benefit of a spellcheck before cutting and pasting into the forum box.

    Just a note, you may notice that some comments have been removed or edited in this thread in order to keep it on topic.

    Best wishes

    Warden Intern at Otmoor.

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 07/01/2011 01:33 in reply to IanH

    Ian H said:

    Hi all

    Limited options with our system i'm afraid, you can tick the box to receive all notifications or un-tick it so you don't get any! I know some of my colleagues write posts in word or notepad first so they get the benefit of a spellcheck before cutting and pasting into the forum box.

    Just a note, you may notice that some comments have been removed or edited in this thread in order to keep it on topic.

    Best wishes


    Thanks for the reply Ian