to the moderators


hi ok i agree you can remove posts but how about a democratic move that you have the decencey to tell the poster why you remove. best egards mac

  • Hi Woodpecker

    I'll go with that...




    nice post Robert , makes sense, keeping good members on your side is always better than alienating them.

    Is it politically correct to say softly softly catchee minky?



    For advice about Birding, Identification,field guides,  binoculars, scopes, tripods,  etc - put 'Birding Tips'   into the search box

  • Some people complain about anything that is not there view and ask for comments to be taken off when all it is that they are so touchy to allow other people to disagree.This is really another form of bullying saying agree or apologise.Robert had a very good valid point which even taking softly softly approach does not please everyone.  

  • I'm worried now. When I first joined this forum I started 2 threads which in hindsight now appear to be "illegal". One was in the Gear Guide, asking about clothes which would help me get close to birds in the wild for good photos...had lots of really useful advice from lots of members, often naming makes of gear. The second was/is the Budget Birding thread. Lots of people who first posted on there said they thought it was a really good idea. Many people made recommendations on there, and continue to do so, & heads up for special offers to help those of us who really couldn't afford to feed or watch the birds otherwise.

    I really don't want to get into trouble or get anyone in trouble who have posted on these threads. Everything posted by me on either thread has been simply to help other people get the most out of their hobby. I do not mean to promote any particular company, I don't and have never, worked for anybody who sells anything related to any type of bird product whatsoever.   

    Sorry about all this. Please don't ban me. :0(

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 19/02/2011 02:29 in reply to Bella

    There is a huge difference between helpful advice and crass advertising or self interest promotion of a product. I'm a little concerned that this has started to upset innocent members on here.

    I'm sure I remember the moderators posting a reassuring statement that 'relevant' advice on gear or bird products was okay. Can someone resurrect this so members such as Bella do not continue to be unneccessarily worried.



  • I work another much larger forums, where spam is a serious issue and we are working 24/7 to keep it of the public area.

    I must say that in my time here, (not long I know), I have not seen any posts that I would consider as spam to be removed. This would lead me to believe that this is not an issue here.

    The mods are either removing any before it's visible or it's just not being posted.

    All the posts I've seen by the regulars here I believe are giving an honest answer to a question posed, yes we may all have our favorite products or suppliers and we give an opinion based on our experience - this is not spam.

    Just my take on the situation

    Best regards

    | My Images |  Newport Wetlands on Flickr @barman58

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 19/02/2011 02:57 in reply to barman58

    Hi Barman

    There has been spam on here but it is picked up instantly by members or mods and removed forthwith.

    I totally agree that honest answers to a question posed is not spam.

    Hopefully when the mods are back on tomorrow they will reassure us on this matter.




    I wouldnt worry Bella, no one has done any overt advertising on here. :) Recommending stuff isnt advertising, personal opinions on equipment are fine- we all do that :)


    STARLINGS!!  Eat at Joe's Bird Table Cafe!!  Mealworms on offer all this week !!


    For advice about Birding, Identification,field guides,  binoculars, scopes, tripods,  etc - put 'Birding Tips'   into the search box

  • Hi Bella,

    You have done nothing wrong, as those above have said. We all recommend products we have tried, and also criticise those we don't like. This isn't against the rules. Only blatent advertising for commercial gain or similar.

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Hi Bella,just to agree that you have absolutely nothing to worry about .:0)




    An optimist sees the beauty of the complete rose.A pessimist sees only the thorn .