Moderators merry xmas

Think several of us owe the moderators a big thank you for keeping the forum going so i for one wish you all a merry xmas and prosperous new year with good health,best wishes Den and Ann. 

  • Unknown said:

    Well, that is very kind of you all.

    We will continue our moderation duties over the Christmas period, but spare a thought for Claire, who's honour it is to do so tomorrow, (poor love). So if her posts seem a little rambling, she probably won't have been imbibing in moderation... ;-)

    On behalf of Val, Kirsi, Tom, Ian, Claire, Richard and myself, a very Happy Christmas and New Year to all.





    My posts always ramble, thats me I'm afraird folks! No imbibing from me, not when I am on duty!

    Take care folks, have a good one! (hiccup!)
