Private Messages


still playing to the fact that I am a newbie on all the forums.  was wondering if the forums allow the use of private messages between subscribers, i've looked around but i suspect that I am missing something.

Apologies if this question has been asked before, i searched and could not find any answers.


in anticipation,


  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 08/11/2010 21:35 in reply to osprey

    Hi there

    I think that having having private messages on this Forum will spoil it.  I have found in real life that wildlife people are the most genuine people you can meet - they are truthful people who are kind and caring to wildlife and people alike.

    Being honest and straight with people is a good thing.  If someone is solely on the RSPB forum, and never meets any people they are not always the people they say they are - not so good.  I have said this three times or more now on here alone, and as I love my birds I plan to stay on this Forum as it is now.

    The RSPB Forum is fine at it is, and as a subscriber to other wildlife Forums I know that the Private Message facility can be abused by people who have an alternative agenda.

    So this is my fourth rejection to a current well balanced forum that does not need to be secretative at all with any Private Message facility at all.  Why fix something that is not broke


    Kathy and Dave