Ignore option?

Not sure if it is an option with this forums software, but as there is meant to be an upgrade perhaps the tech people would consider adding an ignore option to the forum, which allows members to not to see posts from certain individuals for whatever reason.  While it may seem like an unpleasent option, I do think it would be a good thing to add and I myself have used such an option on another forum when another member was proving to be very irritating and doing my head in.  It makes things much easier in such circumstances and can avoid causing aggro.

  • Unknown said:

    I wanna pint of what Sheena is havin LOL



    You need more than a pint AL to get in that state,

    Just joking Sheena,have lots of laughs at your comments and little ones actions. 

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 15/09/2010 01:07 in reply to Tiger

    LOL Tiger know what you mean

    I just want this Forum to go back to the way it was when we all started posting here when it was fun and humourious.  Everyone was on the same level as one another.

    It is a place to talk BIRDS, and that is why it is called the RSPB and it has the name of Royal as part of the namesake for many years before most of us ever knew the RSPB even existed.  It has been a national treasure for years, and will be for years to come yet...for BIRDS and BIRD lovers. I am a BIRD lover so that is why I am on this Forum to talk BIRDS, and wildlife these are my interests and my hobbies.

    People can open their own Forums as they are easily accessible to upload, and include all the options they do not have on this Forum.  It all cost money, and time that not everyone has money or time.

    The RSPB is a charity after all. The staff are in a working environment, and use their valuable time to take care, and nuture this Forum as it is, so it runs smoothly.  We all should respect that ...... simple as that.


    Kathy and Dave

  • Kathy,  its not all birds, the RSPB are much bigger than BIRDS, Its about  global conservation  and education and attracting and KEEPING members amongs many other important issues,   There are plenty of threads to talk about birds if that is one's wish.  BUT the Tearooms were opened for talk about ANYTHING 

    Don't think its for any of us on here to PREACH about what we should be talking about.



    on saying that,though, Would like to get back to reading and writing again about all things nature instead of this ...........    wish it was next month , we have a cottage for a week in Norfolk  : )

    All I ask is the chance to prove that money can't make me happy.
    Spike Milligan

  • I'm off for my glass of Sheena, too!  -  life is dull if we never have a chance to laugh....

  • Soosin said:

    Kathy,  its not all birds, the RSPB are much bigger than BIRDS, Its about conservation globally and education and attracting and KEEPING members amongs many other issues,   There are plenty of threads to talk about birds if that is one's wish.  BUT the Tearooms were opened for talk about ANYTHING 

    Don't think its for any of us on here to PREACH about what we should be talking about.

    I thoroughly agree. Every community I have ever known has eventually concluded that they need an area for general chat. It is the way humans are. We may have an interest in birds but it helps to have an area where you can chat more generally.

    I would advocate membership of more than one community as in that way one gets better balance and perspective.


  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 15/09/2010 01:57 in reply to Soosin

    Hi Soosin

    Of course it is as you say, as I agree with what you are saying.  Things need to be kept in prespective to suit all members here.

    Yes all conservation issues are included here and I have done my part over the years, and still attend Reserves - I have written reports and downloaded photos to show people of all the things that I like to do.  Evidence that I do things with my life.   This is why I am here.

    Yes, the teasroom/weekly chatrooms are here too.   The main area of the RSPB Forum is to talk about birds.  If people want lightweight chat that is something they can do but the Forum needs balance in the this area where the talk about bird/wildlife issues as a whole is part of the Forum too

    At the moment to me this area of the Forum is full of threads that are running a bit wild over issues that take the spotlight away from what people want to talk about like ie... feathery things.

    I am in a major bird Forum over the past 3-4 years, and they discuss birds in a serious way most of the time.  I love it a lot and learned a lot too.  On the other hand, this Forum is ideal for lightweight talk about birds/wildlife in a more humourous way - it is needed too to balance things out in other ways in ones own life in relation to ones interest.

    Anyway I have said my peace now, and would like a nice reply to my post please!


    Kathy and Dave


  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 15/09/2010 02:04 in reply to Tiger

    Hi Tiger

    Yes, as with Soosin there is an area for general chat that is needed and people need that too. 

    Personally I do not use the chat room as I prefer to talk about the wildlife subjects myself.  I am not good at small talk.  If others like to do that fine as long as it is people being respectful to others that is fine by me.

    Yes, it is a balance of communities that is how it should be, and remain so for the forum as a whole.


    Kathy and Dave




    staying objective here,

    Blackbird said ;

    """" At the moment to me this area of the Forum is full of threads that are running a bit wild over issues that take the spotlight away from what people want to talk about like ie... feathery things.""""

    I disagree we are running wild, it's been very restrained , the spotlight may have moved but that is a reaction to the acts of certain individuals. It's up to everyone to decide whether they comment in this area of the forum, or stay away from it.

    It's a big forum, there are places I never go because I don't have time/interest ; I would guess a lot of regulars are the same. :)




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  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 15/09/2010 02:39 in reply to seymouraves

    Hi Seymour

    Thank you for the wake up call Seymours {huge smile}

    Thank you for making me see sense once more.  Yes, it is a question of being objective on any Forum as I am with others I am on at the moment without any discomfort attached at all.  Everything is normal.

    Like you, small chat I cannot do (or not good at is more to the point) and never will do anyway,,,so stay away from it is my motto.

    Anyway, Dave and I are going to be out and about in our bird travels once more soon enough this month, and we are looking forward to it - if the weather is kind it will be the Holy Island.

    One thing we will do as we have over past month and that is review our lives, and make changes for the better so we can meet lots more people from our bird Forums. We are luckily in a good position to sort out any major issues that bestow our lives for the better and we will do that now end of story.  We will start our 2011 in style now - got to plan ahead and get that 2011 diary for that happy event - from the RSPB of course

    That is it end of story


    Kathy and Dave