RSPB communities - life after year one

The community forum is now over one year old! Since its introduction to the wild in the summer of 2009, this beast has now grown into a popular and informative place to exchange ideas, pictures, stories among a variety of other things! It has not been a smooth journey all the way with a few technical issues and disruptions setting it back, but we are very happy with the way most of it has been going.

We, the moderators from the Wildlife and Web teams, must say a big thank you to all the contributors and viewers of this forum. It is your friendly welcomes, interesting and informative posts that make this successful. It has been a steep learning curve for us all, we've enjoyed it and hope that you have enjoyed it as much as we have.

Other than to say a big thanks to everyone, we wanted to inform you all about what we have been up to with regards to the future of the forum. No doubt you will all be happy to hear that there will be upgrades happening to the software and hardware which the whole website uses. These upgrades should see an improvement to some of the issues which some of you have experienced. Unfortunately we cannot give you an exact time scale for this but it is in the pipeline.

We do realise there have been a few problems on the forum and we have been working hard to deal with them. Please keep reporting any posts you're not happy with and we will endevour to keep the atmosphere of the forum friendly and constructive. There may well be a few other tweaks, additions and changes as well, which we will keep you up to date with as they happen.

Once again thank you for all the great input to this forum, keep up the good work! If you have any feedback or ideas for change then please let us know, we are still learning and are willing to listen to any constructive criticism.


Warden Intern at Otmoor.

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 14/09/2010 23:48 in reply to Anonymous

    hi there

    A better search facility would be good too

    Text which can be changed into bold, underline and Italic would be a good idea so that text can be used to its full potential.  The bullets are great as they are on here


    Kathy and Dave

    Nicki C said:

    Have another thought that might be useful.

    I think having a lot more privacy on ones profile would be a good idea.  On the Forums that I so reside on the profile feature remains invisible to guests who are on the site to look at the posts.

    Having a choice of registration would open the doors to a member to look at someone's profile after they have become a member posting their first post.

    Just another thought for privacy.


    Kathy and Dave



  • Tweet said:

    Rhodospin  - with all your kingfisher photographs on here of late, you may want to limit the number of requests for your kingfisher photos as an avatar!  Watch the posts mount on your profile!    lol   :)

    Great idea Izzy!

    Hi Tweet

    I'm ready and waiting.

    Actually I don't mind even trimming/cropping them to the size required and hosting them.



  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 15/09/2010 00:14 in reply to rhodopsin

    Exactly Richard

    Here too!

    You have some superb photos as we all have here and it is good to share all of our achievements to show that we have made an effort to back up each others photography skills. 

    We are here to support one another here for all we have to offer as we have a mutual interest in our subjects here.

    IMHO, part of this thread is a meagre bit of silliness to me.  The initial post by Ian is aimed at the RSPB's success, and not for any other reason - so I much rather embrace that thought alone now.


    Kathy and Dave


    Text can already be made bold

    It can also be italic




    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • oh yessssssssssssssss please


    put me down for one of them!!! (have a peek at the current ones)

    thank you sooo much



  • rhodopsin said:

    Rhodospin  - with all your kingfisher photographs on here of late, you may want to limit the number of requests for your kingfisher photos as an avatar!  Watch the posts mount on your profile!    lol   :)

    Great idea Izzy!


    Hi Tweet

    I'm ready and waiting.

    Actually I don't mind even trimming/cropping them to the size required and hosting them.




    i meant to quote this in my post!!




  • One year on  and i've only this minute realised that when you click on the number beside the names of Most Active Users, all of the comments made by you or whoever are obtainable on one screen.  I do get there eventually??? Its really handy and quick. Never really thought why it was there before, Doh!

    All I ask is the chance to prove that money can't make me happy.
    Spike Milligan