Moderation of the Community

Good afternoon,

I thought I would update you all on some of the work we have been doing this week following the recent SPAM issues on the website.

As you know, due to a number of resource constraints here, we are not actively able to monitor the community on a daily basis, but rely on the regular visitors of the community, like yourselves, to alert us of any issues.

We know how important the community is to many of you and we love that you feel so passionately about it and want to maintain standards within it. To ensure we can address the moderation issues, we are currently speaking to all the colleagues who are moderators regarding their involvement in the community and we are also exploring other options to expand the resources of those who are able to moderate content in a more efficient way. Some of these solutions include "out of hours" and weekend support as we know the community is busy all day, every day.

While we work on these solutions, I thought I would reiterate the ideal way to report spam or abusive content on the community and to "flag" the concern to us. The best way to do this, if you are unsure, is in one of the following ways:

1. In the forum thread, next to any of the posts or replies there is a MORE option. Select this and then select the "Flag as spam/abuse" option (see example)


2. In a blog or news item select the "Flag as spam/abuse" option in the right-hand column (see example)

Now currently, spam or abusive content is not automatically removed if only one person complains about it; this is to ensure fairness within the community. But, if more than two contributors report it then there are automatic rules that will, in some cases, remove the content immediately.

These rules are based on a number of settings, which we are currently reviewing, but in basic terms, it is to do with the credibility and authority any user has within the community.

This credibility and authority is called a Value Score and is made up of many different things including; the number of posts, likes, time in the community, etc. If the combined Value Score of the people reporting the abuse is higher than the person who has posted the allegedly abusive or spam content, then the post will be automatically removed. If the combined score of the people reporting is lower then the content will remain until it has been reviewed by a moderator and this will follow our standard Moderation escalation process.

To help prevent spam and abusive content from appearing in the first place we have the following things already in place:

1. Registration security (reCaptcha) - which prevents automatic services from registering and posting. Unfortunately, the recent activity is not automated and is actually individuals creating accounts and posting spam content. We could put further measures in place to prevent new registrations from posting immediately, but we feel this would impact those legitimate new users from becoming active.

2. Content filters - we do have filters in place that prevent abusive language or content from being posted and we will continue to monitor these filters to ensure they are as robust as they can be.

We are also reviewing the SPAM filters, which are able to recognise a certain type of SPAM-like behaviour and prevent the post from publishing in the first place.

We hope this update gives you some confidence that, with the limited resources, we are doing all we can to ensure moderation happens as quickly as possible.

Many thanks for your support and understanding,


  • Hi all,

    Thanks for all your comments, its been an interesting discussion to follow!

    Glad to say that so far today everything has been working swimmingly.Long may it continue!

    Maybe there is an issue with the logic for new users and the filers and it is causing a cascade through the security on the forums and locking everything up.

    I joined up a few weeks ago but only really started posting this week may be dependent on user activity, i.e a sudden flurry of activity after a period of dormancy?

    hope everyone else gets sorted out aswell!
  • Hi,

    This Page Not Found issue on the thread has been investigated by the support team and it is something strange to do with how the site is indexed so it can be found in searches. The team is going to re-index the site tonight/tomorrow, so this problem should be resolved.

    Many thanks.

  • Good morning,

    Just a brief update from me following the meeting I had with our Community providers Support Team yesterday.

    We went through and reviewed all of the recent reported spam and abusive content; much of this was to do with people reporting posts following the recent spate of attacks, but there were a few automated settings that were being a bit overly-cautious. We reviewed these settings and made a few amendments to improve the quality of the automation.

    I am hopeful that these updates will prevent further attacks, but nothing is ever 100%. I cannot guarantee that legitimate contributors will not occasionally be swept up in this as the automation is reviewing all aspects of what everyone posts to ensure the community stays safe.

    I'm not going to go into the specifics of how the automation works or the rules behind it, but we will add this to the list of things to review occasionally, especially following any further attacks.

    Just so you know these adjustments yesterday have already prevented some spam from being posted overnight.

    Please continue to be vigilant within the community and please only report legitimate spam or abuse via the correct channels.

    Many thanks,

  • Thanks for the update Elliott, much appreciated


    Find me on Flickr / All about your camera - The Getting off Auto Index

  • Thank you so much Elliott

    Yes I noticed we are Spam free this morning, well done to everyone and the team.

    So sad that you all have use your valuable time in endeavouring to keep on top of the ever frustrating few , disrupting.

    Am sure we regular users will be VERY VIGILANT in reporting the dreaded spam, via the MORE tab and also in their PROFILE.
  • Well done on the SPAM, I'm sure we'll all keep flagging it up, a shame these people are such time-wasters.

    Best wishes

    Hazel in Southwest France

  • "Page not found" still appearing in my Notifications. Should I delete all the notifications I wonder and not take part in this Forum at all? I would appreciate a clear answer, I think I have used this Forum for over 10 years now and have never had so many problems as we are getting these days.

    Lot to learn

  • Thank you Bob, I will have a go at that as am fed up with seeing 20/30 notifs to read and then having to put up with "page not found" in order to delete half of them.

    Lot to learn