How do you contact the administrators of this forum!


Hello Administrators, please contact me regarding an injustice that is being carried out by a longtime member of this forum. You are about to loose a lot of members because of this persons behaviour.

Thank you

Good Evening all

Just had make my position very clear

This is not a Witch Hunt, if you have not been affected by this individual, then that is great, long may it continue, there is no need for you to continue on this thread.

I raised this matter as

a. I was affected personally

b. I hate bully's and could see this individual trying to ostracize others.

It is incumbent on all who have been the target of this individual to speak up for themselves, Yes, I have raised the matter in an effort to get it stamped out, however I am not going to act as anyone else's mouth piece, and  I am sure the majority affected wish to speak for themselves, but, there are some who stand back and expect others to fire their bullets, it's not going to happen folks.

07:23 26/07/2010

Good Morning Moderators.

I have no interest if you Lock this thread or Delete this Thread, however I and others expect you to READ this thread Thoroughly! and make yourselves fully cognizant of the depth of unrest on this forum.

As a professional organisation I expect you to deal your forum members complaints Professionally.

It may be the case in the past that you have been able to ignore individual members complaints, writing them off as childish or a clash of personalities, or at most playground tactics In this instance that will NOT be an option.

If you had moderated this forum properly, you would have been aware of the undercurrent, and the provoking behaviour of this individual, and not disappointed everybody by your failed grasp of the situation and wrong censuring of a victim of this horror of an individual.

I will be away for the rest of the day, but look forward to reading your email on my return

  • Hi Sheena,

    I know, and you know, but not everyone knows! Some of us kept it quiet, wrongly in hindsight.  April? Go back 5 months earlier than that!!!!!!

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 24/07/2010 22:18 in reply to seymouraves

    seymouraves said:


     I have some sympathy with the RSPB mods in this case- when I ran a Yahoo group my mods were on about 3 different  continents ( and 5 diets)  so someone was always in/ awake/ checking stuff...:)  It's difficult when they are all in the same Country :))


    I too have sympathy for them as they are RSPB workers and not professional moderators. However, if the RSPB wants a forum, as Rhona said, it must be moderated properly. Fora are open to everyone, as they should be, but humanity comes in all shapes and sizes and there are always a few bad eggs in every box. Abuse of the forum must be tackled promptly, wisely and decisively.


  • I know Sparrow and so pleased this thread for the moment, is allowing everyone to have their say. One of the big problems on other forums has always been the mods.They usually delete the threads very quickly and hope the problem will go away.

    Lets hope the RSPB are wiser than that.I can go back much longer too,4 years infact, when i was initially befriended by this person, so i really do understand how you and others  are feeling.I  have seen so many of my forum friends leave because of the tactics used.This is simply another repeat to me.

    Too many leave rather than speak out.This is a great forum and people should state their opinions rather than take the easier option.That is exactly why this kind of situation goes on and on and on.

    I say, very well done to Border lass for starting this thread and fingers crossed it is left intact.



    An optimist sees the beauty of the complete rose.A pessimist sees only the thorn .

  • I haven't spent much time on here recently, for my own reasons, and had absolutely no idea that someone was bullying people/being so nasty as to make people feel the need to leave. I also have no idea as to their identity, but as I haven't been involved in any of it I suppose it's not for me to speculate.


    It would seem it's a very sad turn of events though, I hope there is a happy resolution for all involved.

  • Unknown said:

    I haven't spent much time on here recently, for my own reasons, and had absolutely no idea that someone was bullying people/being so nasty as to make people feel the need to leave. I also have no idea as to their identity, but as I haven't been involved in any of it I suppose it's not for me to speculate.


    It would seem it's a very sad turn of events though, I hope there is a happy resolution for all involved.


    Here is hoping .



    An optimist sees the beauty of the complete rose.A pessimist sees only the thorn .

  • Yes I do too Sheena, it's a sad state of affairs and a matter that needs to be dealt with :-)

  • seymouraves said:


    Hi guys,


    I'm baffled now-:) Unless I've just not been on any hit list, have I missed some obvious open harrassment?




    I think I must have been on the same planet as you S.

    I know that one particular post of mine resulted in something of a disagreement from several members but I hope that I have never intentially made anyone feel unwelcome on the forum. Members posted their replies and I respected the thoughts and comments made.

    I have always endeared to offer the best advice and share my wealth of experience as a licensed ringer and long term birder.

    I have read alot of messages posted on numerous members profiles that has raised an eyebrow!!

    Hope there is a resolve?


    Nature Is Amazing - Let Us Keep It That Way

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 25/07/2010 03:39 in reply to Tweet

    Good Evening all

    Just had make my position very clear

    This is not a Witch Hunt, if you have not been affected by this individual, then that is great, long may it continue, there is no need for you to continue on this thread.

    I raised this matter as

    a. I was affected personaly

    b. I hate bullys and could see this individual trying to ostracize others.

    It is incumbent on all who have been the target of this individual to speak up for themselves, Yes, I have raised the matter in an effort to get it stamped out, however I am not going to act as anyone elses mouth piece, and  I am sure the majority affected wish to speak for themselves, but, there are some who stand back and expect others to fire their bullets, it's not going to happen folks.


  • i too have been personally affected by this person. i did email the mods of this forum a long time ago - before it moved to here

    so many forums have been upset and brought down - i would hate to see it happen again, especially to this one


    i can provide evidence if required



  • All this has totally passed me by, so I'm on the same quiet backwater planet as Seymour and Buzzard.

    And I'm staying right here (I hope).


    Every day a little more irate about bird of prey persecution, and I have a cat - Got a problem with that?